Weekly Story Number 7 Josh Restivo

State College Wins District 6 Title


Axle: After an up and down 4-6 season for the State College Little Lions football team, The Lions went to Hollidaysburg and beat a highly favored Dubois team.


Riders: The best team to tell this story, would be first year head coach of State College Matt Lintal, as well as some of the dominant players who helped win the game such as Jordan Mischer, and Nate King. We also would like to talk to any fans that were at the game to help tell the story of what they saw. Also, the broadcasters and analysts who predicted the game and what they saw, and how far they think State College can go.


Spokes: We could use the sound of the broadcaster announcing the last play as State College won the game.  We would also want to use sound and video of the award ceremony, and defnilty want to get all the players with their medals and the winning trophy. The stand up we could do right outside the stadium, and maybe after they are gettting off the bus at the school after the game.



Beggining: Talk about how all the anaylist said that State College had no chance, and how Dubois had already won the game. Also talk about how Dubois was state ranked and 8-2 while State College was 4-6.


Middle: The game and how State College was able to dominant the game, and pull through in the end with a 29-7 win.

End: What the future holds for State College and how far they can really go if they play like they did Friday night against Dubois.

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