Being a part of COMM 465 this semester was a great learning experience. Unlike any other communications class I had taken before, this class allowed me to have hands-on experience. I took part in the process of planning, shooting and editing a video. This development really made me appreciative of all the creativity and hard work that goes into the production of videos.
After submitting each package, professor Bu Zhong continuously provided the class with constructive criticism, which helped me understand what was executed right and what could have been improved for the next package. I really enjoyed taking this class, because it provided me with more than just journalistic skills, it taught me how to successfully work in group projects, edit and use camera equipment. In addition to this I appreciated the opportunity to work with my classmates and develop friendships.
Though at times, it was a tedious experience, such as when our batteries died during one of the project’s filming process, it also became a learning experience, making me aware of my faults and how to improve them for the future. Out of all the 4 packages that my team members and I produced this semester, I think the first project was the most challenging yet rewarding out of all . It was an intimidating thought at first to film a young subject who has such an incredible story to tell, and to know that it’s in your hands to produce a video that tells his story the best. However, after spending time with Nyron and his family, and getting to know them, it became less and less intimidating and more of personal goal to convey his inspiring story to the best of our abilities. So far, Im extremely proud of the work we did, and I enjoyed sharing Nyron’s inspirational story.
Besides the time spent on editing and shooting videos, the class lectures taught by Professor Zhong were just as helpful, since they focused on journalistic skills, such as effective story-telling and the future of media.
Professor Bu Zhong went above and beyond for every student, he was always willing to meet with students and discuss classwork, resumes and project ideas. He was an extremely helpful mentor, and offered a lot of good advice about his past and present work experience in the industry. It was great having him as a teacher, and I hope to have him again next semester.
Overall, this class was one of my favorite Penn State classes so far. Not only did I develop new editing skills, learn to use new equipment, meet new friends and had a great professor, it provided me with the opportunity to experience what my day could possibly look like if I continues to pursue a career in TV-production, which is exactly what I hope to do after graduation.