I Believe in Embracing Adventures:
Traveling is in my blood. Don’t get me wrong, I love my home in Rockville, Maryland, however something about experiencing different cultures, meeting new people, and exploring unknown places really gets me going.
Ever since I was young, traveling has been important to me. A love for travel first developed because my dad would frequently go for business trips. He would always bring a snow globe for me from the places he traveled. The snow globe became my window to the rest of the world. Soon, I began to take these adventures both with family and as I got older with strangers who also chose to embrace adventures. My first trip was to Jamaica. I was three.
As a junior in high school I decided to go on a study abroad in Israel. Wow. 48 Americans. Representing states all the way from Seattle, Washington to Boca Raton, Florida. We took chances I thought I would never be offered, we ate foods I thought I would never try and took classes in a style I had never been exposed to.
This first solo, big trip was like crack to me. I knew after that adventure I would be back… and it would be soon.
I learned that by trying something new and embracing adventures, you experience moments and look at beautiful views that you could not imagine being exposed to in your wildest dreams.
A few years later an opportunity presented itself. Senior year of high school came around and it was time to flee the coop…. To Italy, France and Spain… Who knew traveling around the world with your best friends would open your eyes to a whole new world.
Traveling is unique. It’s never the same. It’s new, amazing and gives you insight into the lives of people you never knew existed. Each travel is worth getting lost on the way. Each journey is worth the uphill hikes it takes to get to the top and each adventure is worth embracing.
This past summer. 50 strangers and I were given the opportunity of a lifetime. I had the opportunity to work as a reporter for an international newspaper. We all took a chance. I took a chance. Culture was all around. We were just people living our lives. In a country with a different language, different food, and different people.
To this day, I have never embraced an adventure and been disappointed by the outcome. The phrase “you never know until you try it” is a motto to live by.