Kimberly Dozier
By Jaclyn Gross
Situation Definition:
Kimberly Dozier, author and former CBS reporter, was a speaker at the Foster Foreman Conference. Dozier spoke to all of us about her experiences and read excerpts from her new book Breathing the Fire: Fighting to Survive, and Get back to the Fight. The book Breathing Fire, addressed her experiences in the middle east and went into the details of a tragic event that changed her life. Throughout her talk, she discussed ethical dilemmas that she herself faced while in the field.
Dozier discussed ethical dilemmas of journalism in relation to herself and off her own experiences. The first thing she pointed out was that as journalists it is one of our main responsibilities to fact check each others stories, especially when reporting on international affairs. Another major dilemma that she focused on was how to report accurate information while also developing close relationships with the people she was writing about. In her own case, the army.
Dozier was put in a position where she was writing on stories alongside a multitude of journalists writing the same story. She referenced Stephen Glass. Glass, a man who fabricated the stories he published. The New Republic published his work and will forever be known for the scandal He was caught because other journalists began fact checking his information and stories and realized the information was not all there. By fact checking the writers are maintaining credibility.
I think fact checking is one of the most important aspects of journalism. Journalism as a field requires writers to work together to protect the sanctity of their jobs. I think writer abroad may want to have their own edge on the stories but in the end all writers have a loyalty to their audience to share the correct information.
Another main issue she brought up was relationships. In the beginning the reporter-military relationship is a strained one, however over time you develop relationships and a bond. It became clear to Dozier that she was in fact missing stories because she had become friends with the soldiers instead of maintaining a strictly professional relationship.
I think there is a certain advantage to being close with the people you’re living with and reporting on, but it comes with its disadvantages. You need to maintain a non biased point of view at all times in order to appeal to the vast majority. I would frequently discuss your status with the other reporters. It is important to stay connected with the people who are experiencing the same things at you especially when you are out of your element.
Listening to Dozier speak was inspiring and enlightening. Although I am just a student, I have had the opportunity to do some reporting internationally. It puts journalists in an interesting element.
Both elements that Dozier discusses are important ethical concerns in the world of journalism. It was interesting to hear a journalist struggle with the same concerns that we as students are faced with. As a journalism student we have discussed both the importance of accuracy and maintaining objective while reporting. Hearing a credible, honorable reporter speak off of her own life and experiences gives us insight into the world of journalism outside of our classrooms. It also reaffirms everything that we have already learned.
Dozier, K. (2015, March 25) Foster Foreman Conference of Distinguished Writers Lecture
Rapping on the “Glass”. (2003). American Journalism Review