Blog 1: This I Believe… By David Pollak

I believe in that everything happens for a reason.

This journey we describe as life, will have some memorable days and also some dark days. Every decision that is made has a motive behind it. However, some events may just leave us asking, “Why?” Personally, I can relate to this more than anything. 

In high school, I was a very introverted person. I mainly spoke to my teammates and my two closest friends. I had nothing outside of them. I had my family, of course, but I’m speaking along the lines of friends. I wasn’t the popular kid, I didn’t hangout with the jocks, and I didn’t go to parties every weekend like the rest of my classmates. I had one goal in mind, and that was to play college soccer. However, my life drastically changed near graduation.

The morning of my baccalaureate mass, the week of graduation, my uncle had unexpectedly passed away, due to suffering a massive heart attack.  It turned the world upside down for me and my family. The hardest part of all, was that his funeral was set to be the morning of my graduation. A week that was meant to be filled with joy, was filled with emptiness and sorrow. Like I’ve stated earlier though, everything happens for a reason. It has allowed for me to be thankful for each day that I wake up, and to never take anything for granted. We never know when our last day may be.

Later in the year, I was set to be playing soccer at Wilkes University and studying chemistry. I worked around the clock to be in the best shape possible to get ready for the season. Once again, my world was turned upside down when I was told a week before camp started that I wasn’t going to be invited to preseason training. I thought to myself, “How can this be? After all the hard work I’ve put in?’ To go along with that, my two closest friends of mine stopped contacting me, which killed me internally. My hopes and dreams of playing college soccer were crushed, and both of my closest friends are non-existent. It truly was a low-point in my life.

Two years later, and I’m here today at Penn State University studying Digital and Print Journalism with a Minor in Spanish. You may be asking, “how does this relate to everything happens for a reason?” Well, if none of those events had taken place, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. People come and go, and everything has a reason behind it. Nothing is permanent in our lives. We should be able to reflect on our past to see how far we’ve come and how it has molded us into the person that we are today. Look back on those memories you once had with people and be grateful for them, not confused as to why it no longer exists.

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