Within the past few weeks Megyn Kelly has managed to really burn a hole in her reputation in the world of news journalism and media. Megyn Kelly is a broadcast journalist who used to work for Fox News and recently left and signed a huge 69-million-dollar deal with NBC. She has her own show in the mornings on NBC and recently when discussing Halloween costumes, she made a comment saying something to the effect of not understanding how people painting their faces black for Halloween is seen as racist. Obviously there are several ethical dilemmas with the remarks Megyn made. One main ethical dilemma is the obvious racism and neglect of an entire race. Another dilemma is the fact that this is not Kelly’s first offense against racial diversity on the air. She made racist comments while working for Fox News years ago. The other is the fact that Megyn Kelly represents not only her own platform but also NBC, and her comments reflects the company. She also then gave a half-hearted apology after the fact, and many journalists and public figures had a lot to say.
I personally feel that what Megyn said is extremely offensive and she should not be given another opportunity to use her voice on the air again. NBC did fire her for these comments. Megyn not only offended an entire race but offended decent people all over this country. She embarrassed NBC, and herself. She has done this before when on Fox News claiming their “should only be a white Santa Claus.” This proves she clearly has some racist tendencies and should not be continually given a platform in which she can use her voice to homes all over the world. As a nationally known journalist she should not only have known better, but also for a white female with blonde hair in a country currently divided by race and hate to make such a bold racial comment, is simply not a good look.
Like I said, following the offensive comments Kelly later apologized to on-air. Although she failed to give an apology to the true demographic she was directly offending, people of color. Following the apology made by Kelly, journalist Al Roker said, “The fact is, she owes a bigger apology to folks of color around the country” (Jones). Like we have discussed in class, it takes years to build a reputation but one comment or decision to ruin it. Megyn Kelly has now had several chances, but she continues to make unethical decisions when opening her mouth on-air. Another side of this situation that you have to call into question is the decision to hire Kelly from NBC’s point of view. Kelly previously made racist comments on-air, yet NBC hired her anyway. This decision basically is a statement to people of color that they don’t care about the things she has said in the past. USA Today writer Kirsten Powers writes, “Megyn Kelly is reportedly on her way out of the Today Show and maybe NBC. Her past racial demagoguery should have disqualified her in the first place” (Powers).
In conclusion, I think NBC was right to fire Kelly, but I also don’t think they should have hired her in the first place based on her track record. I think being in the lime-light and putting yourself in front of a camera every single day is hard. But, if you are going to do it you have to be conscience of delicate issues. Megyn Kelly is clearly not. I learned from this article to always keep all different types of people in mind as a journalist. Whether you’re writing, talking, producing, etc. What we say matters.
Jones, R. (2018, October 25). Megyn Kelly’s ‘blackface’ comments show her true face. Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/25/opinions/megyn-kelly-blackface-comments-racism-roxanne-jones/index.html
Powers, K. (2018, October 25). Megyn Kelly was making racist comments long before ‘blackface.’ NBC hired her anyway. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/10/25/megyn-kelly-nbc-blackface-racist-comments-white-supremacy-column/1760679002/