Blog 5 reflection on the course- Codi Benner

Two ethical lessons in this course I found interesting-

The two most important ethical lessons that I got out of this course was the Fake News lessons and reporting during tragic events. These two lessons can help me out in my career along with everyday life. In regards to fake news, it is sometimes difficult to tell if it is real or not. The doctored up photographs and other fake information is sometimes very difficult to tell the difference. After going through that particular lesson, it has been easier to tell the difference between fake news and real news. For the section about reporting during tragic events, I feel like that lesson will be very useful when I become a journalist. There were a few parts from that lesson that felt like would work very well if I am ever caught in that type of situation when reporting.

The one lesson that was the most impactful-

The lesson I thought was the most impactful was the lesson about Stephen Glass.  That whole lesson was very interesting to see how someone’s reputation was tainted because of how he manipulated his stories and sources. Also, throughout that lesson, we learned about another journalist that lied manipulated there a way to a Pulitzer Prize. The lesson just teaches us the consequences of lying in our reporting and to never do that. It is defiantly lessoned that is very impactful when I go off and make my career in journalism.

Course’s impact on my overall future-

Overall this course is very impactful for my future as a journalist. The ethical lessons that I learned throughout this course will help succeed in the future. The ethical principles will be very useful when writing stories and doing other reporting tasks.  The examples that were given throughout the course will be useful when deciding what to do when faced with an ethical situation.

Final thoughts on the course-

Overall the course was very interesting and is definitely a course I would recommend all Comm students to take. The course is very informal and brings about plenty of lessons that would be very useful for students about to graduate or about to finish their degree in journalism. The class also covered topics that would be very useful for students that are non comm students, since some of the topics that were covered in this class could be used for non comm students like Public Relations.

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