Kimberly Tyborowski Weekly Story Idea #3

The Axle:

The story I would be covering is “Then and Now Living History Encampment” at the Boalsburg History Museum this past Sunday.

The Riders:

My riders would include historians working at the museum, guests, participants in the re-enactments, and a Penn State history professor.

The Spokes:

-I would have footage of the museum. (wide shot)

-I would have footage of the participants reenacting and possibly explaining the wardrobe of the soldiers.(close shot)

-I would have footage of children watching the reenactments or families learning about the Revolutionary War. (medium shot)

-I would have an interview with the museum educator.

-My natural sound would come from buttons snapping on a jacket, putting on boots, dusting off a hat, the sound of cannons, muskets, talking, running, and stomping.

The Rim:

Beginning- I would show a wide shot of the Boalsburg Museum. I would do a VO explaining the event.

Middle:I would take a variety of shots and cut to someone who hasn’t been to this event and ask what they have learned or why this information is important to know (SOT). I would speak about the event and what the day includes. Then I would interview the museum educator asking about what makes the Revolutionary War different from other wars or questions about the museum hosting this event, perhaps about the turnout.

End: I would end with a stand up perhaps walking through the museum to the camera or next to an American flag.,1460843/

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