The axle:
How to get ready for an even colder winter than the last year
The riders:
Meteorologists, local residents, government representatives, people who work in retail business
The pokes:
B-roll of people on the streets, geared up already for the winter
News archives of the extreme cold weather last year
News archives of the forecast that predicted this year will be worse than the last year.
Interview with meteorologists, have them explain why it will be worse this year.
Graphics shows the weather data, such as the average temperature/snow falls curve over the past 20 years.
Interview with the residents and ask them about what kind of preparation they had last year, what they’re planning to do for this year, and what’re their top concerns.
Demonstrative stand-up shows what kind of outfits adjustment we need to keep warm in this following winter.
B-roll of residents get ready for the cold winter.
The rim:
Beginning: Start with B-rolls people on the street, maybe some footage of people feel so cold while waiting for the bus, footage with people talking about the cold weather. Use crowd interviews, show how they react to forecast of a colder winter this year.
Middle: Use the archives of the reporting of the extreme weather last year as a transition. Meanwhile use voice over to lead to the interview of meteorologist. Use the graphics as a transition. Insert the interview of the government representative, have the person talking about what effort they ‘ve made to make sure this winter all kinds of public welfare services will be running as usual, maybe ask them to give some advice to the residents. Insert B-rolls that related to the advice as a transition.
Ending: Use interviews of residents talking about what preparation they had last year, followed by interviews of people who work in retail business, talking about how many products that related to the cold weather were sold. Wrap up with a demonstrative stand up.