Lately, I’ve been noticing an occasional dead spot when accelerating on the Concours. Normally, there’s a small lag around 3000 RPM, but the bike usually powers right through it and continues to pull hard. Recently, though, this issue has been getting worse. It feels almost like the bike is either cutting ignition completely or starving for fuel.
I checked for any stored error codes to see if there might be a bad stick coil, but no codes were present. So, the next logical step was to check the fuel filter sock, or strainer.
On most fuel-injected bikes, the fuel strainer is located at the bottom of the fuel pump, which itself sits at the base of the fuel tank. So, off came the tank! Removing it is straightforward—just four bolts and a few hoses. The tricky part is draining the excess fuel without ending up covered in it.
Once the tank is off and drained, you can remove the pump assembly by unscrewing a few bolts.
The pump assembly slides right out, and then you have to disassemble it to reach the strainer at the bottom.
As suspected, the strainer was pretty filthy.
Reinstallation is just the reverse of everything. I’ll get it all buttoned back up, take it for a test ride, and see how it performs.