Human Bubble Blower

This week I’m going to switch it up and talk about my baby cousin. 

With my little cousin Carson’s 5th birthday coming up, I couldn’t pass on the opportunity to tell an embarrassing story about him. 

Sometimes kids do stupid things. They are incredibly unpredictable. They don’t know the implications of their actions until they are about seven years old, which is why they throw blocks at their siblings head, run into streets, and put everything into their mouths. We consider these behaviors to be normal in children. This is also the exact reason why kids need to be under constant supervision. After all, the old saying is, if you can’t hear your kids, they are most likely getting themselves into trouble…

Every summer, my extended family goes to the beach for a week together. We all stay in one house making it extremely hectic but fun for the cousins and siblings. One of the best parts of this tradition is that we all eat dinner together. Obviously, the little kids tend to play while everyone else sits and eats but for the most part, everyone is together. 

Poor Carson was really sick that summer. He was about one and a half years old at the time and had had croup and infantile pneumonia that he was still recovering from. His energy levels were pretty low so when everyone sat down for dinner we left him and my other two little cousins that are around the same age as Carson in the play area by the dinner table. 

The problem is, with about 25 people staying in one house together, it’s pretty hard to hear one person crying, especially when that person’s lungs have been actively recovering all summer. Luckily for the adults in the house, I had and still have babysitter ears, so the slightest cry for help sounds like a train hitting the brakes. 

What kid doesn’t like bubbles? Well, Carson loved bubbles so much he drank a whole bottle of them that summer. When I heard him crying, I turned around to see an image straight out of a cartoon; my baby cousin sitting on the floor coughing full fledged bubbles from his mouth. Nobody could contain their laughter. We obviously comforted the poor guy and made sure he was okay by reading the ingredients on the bubbles container, but we also could not for the life of us stop laughing. 

So, Carson, in honor of your fifth birthday, let’s raise a glass to you… just not bubbles.

3 thoughts on “Human Bubble Blower

  1. Wow this is such a funny story and kind of reminded me of Home Alone starring Carson as Kevin. Anyway, it was great that you were able to use your skills to fix the problem since even though it was really funny, it could have turned really dangerous really quickly.

  2. Awe Poor Carson, I am glad he is okay, but I would have probably done the same, and started to burst out laughing. Great use of the rhetorical questions as well as your ears!

  3. I like how you used someone in your family this week, it’s really cool. I’m glad Carson is okay, and I would’ve laughed harder than anyone in the room.

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