RCL Blog Ideas

“This I Believe”

For my podcast, I’m thinking about talking about the importance of family dinners. My other idea is to talk about the importance of embarrassing yourself at least once a day. Both of these practices have had an impact on my outlook on life and I think they could make for an interesting podcast.

Passion Blog (pt. 2)

For my new passion blog, I’m thinking about following the ups and downs of my marathon training, which I plan to run next fall. My other idea is to talk about the things I’ve learned from my first year of college.

Civic Issues

For my civic issues blog, I’m thinking I want to discuss inequality in education regarding funding and resources. My other idea is to talk about the turmoil in the two party system. I would discuss the manipulation and divisive tactics politicians use to increase polarization while using important Supreme Court Cases and various sources to provide evidence for and against my topic. In other words, I want to talk about why Americans can’t find middle ground.


2 thoughts on “RCL Blog Ideas

  1. Both of your This I Believe ideas are great! Although I love a good family dinner I would like to hear about your belief in embarrassing yourself once a day. Your passion blog idea of documenting the ups and downs of training for a marathon is very interesting. As someone who hates running, it would be a new perspective. The second idea for your civic issues blog is a very important topic, politics has become such a controversial topic and the mention of manipulation tactics is very interesting as well. I’m excited to see what you decide!

  2. I really like your idea for your “This I believe” podcast. My family always prioritized family dinners when I was younger, and I can now see how beneficial/important it was. Your civic issues idea is also really interesting, especially with the current Supreme Court bench. The bench is supposed to be non-partisan but with the polarized climate that is virtually impossible. Your passion blog ideas are also really interesting. I feel like talking about college could be fun, especially because you’re currently experiencing it but I think that covering your own experience with marathon running would be more unique. Can’t wait to read more!

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