Top 9 Travel Tips

I’ve spent a lot of time in airports, so here are my top travel trips for making your experience as smooth as possible. 

Arrive Early: 

I will preach this point until my voice is gone. No matter what, arriving early never hurts because you never know what’s going to happen. If you run into problems at security, or the bag-check line is around the corner, it’s always best to have a little cushion. It will create a much more stress-free environment prior to your flight. I recommend arriving 2.5 hours before international flights and 1.5 hours before domestic flights.

Check-In Online:

 This is something that’s saved us as a family so much time over the years. My mom has always been diligent about checking in online prior to the flight if the option is available because it saves so much time ahead of security. It’s also extremely easy!

Bring Gum: 

Gum is my favorite thing to bring on a trip because it serves so many different purposes. On the plane, they help with ear popping and keep your breath really fresh. You would think keeping your breath fresh isn’t important, but when you get off the plane and your mouth feels extra fresh, you’ll thank me.

Don’t Exceed the Weight Limit: 

I am an overpacker and have always been an overpacker. I love to bring multiple items of clothing for each day. However, it’s a complete waste of money to bring more weight than the weight limit allows for. Save money where you can when traveling because it can get expensive. 


 Sleeping on flights is so important, especially when it comes to red eye flights. Getting over jetlag when arriving in a new country can take so much of your day up, and it’s easy to make that sleep up on the plane with the aid of melatonin. That way, you don’t waste precious travel days. 

Ziploc Toiletries Early: 

The most annoying thing at the airport is having to take all your small liquids out of the bottom of your meticulously packed hand luggage in the line for security. The easiest way to avoid that is to do it beforehand while you’re packing. It’s a simple step that saves a lot of stress and frustration in the security line.

Eat Beforehand: 

Food in the airport can be so expensive, so it’s a great idea to eat beforehand. I always like getting some small snacks for the plane or a Starbucks while I’m at the airport, but I eat a big meal before I go so I can save some money. 

Download Movies: 

This is something I’ve actually only started doing recently because I initially only relied on the movies preloaded onto the plane. But, sometimes I’m not interested in those, or I’ve already watched most of them. Because of that, I’ve started downloading movies from Netflix and Hulu so I know I have something to watch if I need it. 

Be Nice: 

This is my most important tip. The airport workers have hard jobs with long hours, and they deal with a lot of really rude people. If you can do something as small as smile to them or ask them how their day is going, they’ll be very appreciative and will probably treat you better because of it. It’s really not that hard to be nice, and it can make a big difference. 


One Comment

  1. Ana Patricia Lebrón Reply

    I laughed so much with this post thinking about how my dad gets when we’re at the airport. We must get there three hours before to “be safe and not miss our flight.” I don’t think there is any way to get late when you’re getting there three hours before, but that’s fine, now I love to get there early. It has become my favorite place to be at. Also, I ALWAYS overpack, and I’m always overweight; it is a problem. When I’m at the airport, it is a tradition to open my bag and put some of my things in my family’s bags. Thank you for putting the be nice section because I feel like people get too involved in their stress and are rude to the employees when they are also having a long day. Anyway, I like the post, and I will enjoy the rest of your blogs now.

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