#22: Find and Support a Cause


At some point in my life, I hope to find a cause that I am truly passionate about, something that I believe in firmly, and something where I am in a position to bring about significant and positive change.

I recognize that I have been very fortunate in life – I am healthy, I have the opportunity to go to college to receive and education and better myself, I live in a relatively safe place, etc. And I also recognize that there are many in this country and around the world, that have been dealt a less favorable hand, and deal with things on a daily basis that I could probably never even imagine, which is why I believe firmly in the importance of giving back and helping those in need.

As a student and as a Penn Stater, giving back is something that I’ve grown up being encouraged to do. Whether through THON, or the many other groups here on campus, it’s really very easy to get involved at Penn State. Personally, I’m a member of Atlas, and although I wasn’t nearly as involved this year as I hope to be in the future, becoming a member of Atlas was one of the best decision I think I made coming to Penn State, and has been a great experience. They’re a really great group of people; the dedication of everyone else involved is really what made me want to do more next year and even after I graduate.

Of course, it’s easier to become more involved and volunteer in college than in the real world, there are so many clubs right here on campus that it really doesn’t take all that terribly much extra effort. But I think it’s important as we get older to remember the importance of staying involved in our communities and doing whatever we can to promote change and make a difference.

In 2011, 64.3 million Americans were involved in some sort of volunteer work, and contributed around 8 billion hours of volunteer work. So it is obvious that Americans continue to become involved throughout their lives, which is something that I hope to continue.




One thought on “#22: Find and Support a Cause

  1. I definitely agree that finding a cause to support and donate your time to has positive effects on not only yourself but also on the community. At Penn State, I got involved with THON throughout the year and absolutely loved it. I think it’s great you are involved with Atlas and would encourage you to continue that involvement throughout your college career.

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