Coronavirus Update

One very serious problem that is facing hospitals and health care workers amidst this pandemic is the shortage of materials such as masks, gowns, and ventilators. Ventilators are an absolute necessity in order to keep some of those infected with the virus alive. If the virus continues to spread, the current supply of ventilators will be no where near enough to meet the demand for them. This would result in a large loss of life that could have been prevented simply if there were more ventilators produced. The same goes for masks, gowns, and other types of PPE, or personal protective equipment. These objects are vital in ensuring that people with the virus spread it as little as possible. This is especially important to doctors and nurses who are surrounded by infected people around the clock for days on end. They are at the highest risk due to their prolonged exposure, so this protection is even more necessary. The problem is that no locations were prepared for an event of this magnitude, so every single hospital very quickly realized they would need to obtain this protection as quickly as possible.

Masks Run Short as Coronavirus Spreads - WSJ

Luckily, to meet the rising need, many companies have committed to helping produce these vital products. Major companies are currently adjusting their manufacturing in order to make machinery like ventilators that will help fight the coronavirus. Some of these companies include Tesla, General Motors, Ford, and countless other companies that previously produced any type of metal machinery that could somehow be altered to manufacture ventilators to be used by the sick. These companies are producing as quickly as possible to meet the growing demands by states like New York and New Jersey, who have 74,427 and 18,696 cases respectively.

How ventilators work and why they are so important in saving ...

Similarly, many companies that previously made fashion and clothing products are now altering their manufacturing to produce masks and gowns. Some of these companies include Dior, Burberry, Gucci, Nordstrom, Armani, Louis Vuitton, and many more. Many of these companies are partnering together, making commitments to produce millions upon millions of masks, gowns, overalls, and any other product that may be necessary to minimize the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Another one of these companies is Fanatics, which is based in Pennsylvania. Fanatics is the top provider to the MLB of jerseys, hats, and other baseball merchandise. However, due to recent demand, they have halted this production completely in order to help meet the drastic needs caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

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It is admirable to see all of these companies working tirelessly to provide protection to people that are currently struggling. These companies are surely losing profits by lowering production of their usual products. In addition, there are countless employees of these companies that are working ridiculous hours to try to meet the seemingly infinite demand. These people and companies know that they must take necessary steps in order to minimize the damage that this pandemic is able to do, so that we can get back to our normal lives as quickly as possible.

5 thoughts on “Coronavirus Update

  1. It is neat to see how so many companies have found ways to convert their production from their typical product line to manufacturing the PPE that is needed. Hopefully, all of the extra companies producing will be able to drastically increase the supply of this equipment because it is very crucial that we keep our frontline workers protected.

  2. A silver lining of this pandemic is seeing how seriously everyone is taking it and how people are coming together to fight it. I personally follow formula one and have noticed a multitude of teams have begun developing new and improved ventilators.

  3. I think it is awesome that large companies are coming together to create medical equipment. It shows the unity of the country during this tough time.

  4. I agree that the actions of these companies is remarkable because the biggest issue is lack of supply. When Penn State had first put off the semester, my mom told me it’s because if people start spreading the illness all over state college, there won’t be enough medical supply to treat everyone. I realize that in full effect now.

  5. This corona stuff is definitely crazy and it is great to see that companies are trying to help in this trying time. Hopefully more companies can do this all though it will be interesting to see how that is possible with even more layoffs and mandatory stay at home rules.

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