1. “Creolozing English and Decolonizing Linguistics”. Lecture at University of Oslo, May 18th 2021. https://youtu.be/JHdTLeOL0FA
2. “Negotiating Norms in Academic Writing.” Conference on Translocality, translingualism and multilingual writing; 27-28 May 2021, Stockholm University. https://youtu.be/KS_ktq2GkQ4
3. “Teaching Writing Across Borders”, Keynote in 2020 New York University Writing Symposium. https://youtu.be/RseqVboObTU
4. “Yet ‘Another Fucking Cancer Diary:’ Embracing Language Incompetence and Disability.” Lecture for the Distinguished Scholarship and Service Award of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, March 26, 2018, Chicago. https://youtu.be/jgohn7mhVT0
5. Interview in Tamil for Sri Lankan diaspora development network, Innovation, Education, Leadership. June 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiYRv7yTt_c&t=1145s
6. Podcast for Pedagogue: Teachers Talking Writing, 12/17/2020. https://www.pedagoguepodcast.com/blog/episode-53-suresh-canagarajah
7. “Layering the Local: A Counter-Narrative on Literacy in Township Schools.” Keynote Lecture. 34th Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania. February 22-24, 2013. https://youtu.be/MKSV7Fm5Kn4
8. Worlds of Practice: In Search of Community.” Opening Plenary. April 2nd 2008. 42nd Annual TESOL convention. New York, NY. April 2-5, 2008. https://youtu.be/-Q3u3YQtrNo
9. Decolonization and Mobility. Discussion with Brazilian Scholars. October 2021. https://youtu.be/wvasl7CJCfs
10. Diversifying Academic Publishing. Webinar for Society of Christian Scholars, September 15th 2022. https://vimeo.com/750152449/2fc6a5a0b7
11. Multilingual and Translingual Practices in the Global South. Interview with AAAL Graduate Students Association, November 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0ZT9CPt7_A
12. Keynote in the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOUTH ASIAN PERSPECTIVES ON THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, 16 & 17 December 2022, Chennai, India: GMT20221216-030728_Recording_1920x1080.mp4 (sharepoint.com)
13. “Crip Writing: Meaning Making in Disability.” Lecture at Eastern Mennonite University, 30th March 2023: https://fb.watch/jGYAonnDMr/
14. “Decolonizing Academic Writing Pedagogies for Multiligual Students with Dr. Suresh Canagarajah.” Borderland Dialogues, Episode 1. January 17th 2024. E1: Decolonizing Academic Writing Pedagogies for Multilingual Students with Dr. Suresh Canagarajah • Borderland Dialogues: Identity, Language and Power (spotify.com)
15. “Episode 5: Melissa Moyer meets Suresh Canagarajah: A Conversation about Language Incompetence.” JSLX Conversations; podcast hosted by the Journal of Sociolinguistics. January 24th 2024. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2pjehHuv4lu9KWCj8cXul0?si=sYyEjz75RRC45FgvrbDIGw