Hispanic/Latino Cancer Community Advisory Board (CAB)

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CAB’s Mission

Our mission is to serve as a bridge between the Penn State Cancer Institute (PSCI) and the Hispanic/Latino community in the PSCI catchment area (28 counties of central Pennsylvania). The CAB:

advises the PSCI on cancer or cancer risk factors affecting Hispanic/Latinos;
advises on ways to improve the care and health outcomes among Hispanic/Latinos;
advises on how to promote culturally appropriate clinical care;
help conduct outreach and health education in the community;
reviews PSCI’s research protocols addressing the Hispanic/Latino community; and
promotes the participation of Hispanic/Latinos in research studies in the PSCI catchment area.

Bidirectional Engagement

Composed of 18 community members, the CAB is co-chaired by a community member and an academic member and meets quarterly on a rotating basis at a different member’s organization.

Responsibilities of the CAB members: 

  • Regularly attend quarterly meetings (e.g., at least three per year), in-person or by video conference
  • Be an active advocate and voice in your community for cancer-related issues
  • Advise the PSCI in the six areas highlighted in the mission statement
  • Implement cancer-related research, outreach and education initiatives in your community

Would you like to serve as a CAB member?

Please complete the APPLICATION TO SERVE AS ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER if you are interested in serving as a member for the CAB.


For more information, contact:

Sol M. Rodríguez-Colón, MS | Research Project Managersrodriguezcolon@pennstatehealth.psu.edu

Our work highlighted at abc27 news:


CAB’s Initiatives and Events

Vamos a educarnos sobre el cáncer – Spanish-language Webinar Series

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Next Webinar: February 20th, 2024

Hablemos sobre el cáncer del riñón

Para participar registrese aqui! 

Recursos sobre el cáncer del riñón!


December 19th, 2023

El manejo de ataques cerebrovasculares en pacientes con cáncer

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer y ataques cerebrovasculares


October 17th, 2023

El impacto en la salud pública de los productos de tabaco mentolados.

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre los tabacos mentolados


August 15th, 2023

Hablemos sobre el cáncer de leucemia en los niños Hispanos/Latinos.

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer de leucemia en los niños hispanos/latinos


June 20th, 2023

Actividad física al aire libre y los beneficios para su salud

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre la actividad física al aire libre y la salud



April 17, 2023 

La importancia de los estudios clínicos y el cáncer

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre estudios clínicos y el cáncer


February 22, 2023 

Hablemos sobre el cáncer de tiroides

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer de tiroides


November 15, 2022 

Hablemos sobre el cáncer del pulmón

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer de pulmón 


Septiembre 20th, 2022 

Aprendamos sobre los cánceres de leucemia y linfoma

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre los cánceres de leucemia y linfoma 


July 19th, 2022 

¿Qué es el cáncer de piel y cómo se puede prevenir?

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer de la piel


May 17th, 2022

Cáncer de Próstata: Importancia de la detección temprana y de los tratamientos

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer de la próstata


March 15th, 2022 

¿Qué es una colonoscopía y cómo se puede preparar para ella?

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre la colonoscopia y el cáncer del colon


December 14th, 2021

¿Por qué nos debería preocupar el cáncer de hígado y cómo podemos prevenirlo?

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer del hígado


November 16th, 2021 Webinar

¿Qué es el cáncer del colon y cómo se puede prevenir?

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Webinar Nov2021

Recursos sobre el cáncer de colon


October 19, 2021 Webinar

Aprendamos sobre el cáncer del cuello uterino

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer del cuello uterino


September 21 webinar

¿Sabías? Hablemos de las Latinas y el cáncer de mama

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer de mama


August 17th, 2021 Webinar

La vacuna contra el Virus del Papiloma Humano ES PREVENCIÓN CONTRA EL CÁNCER 

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Registrese aquiumano (VPH) 



July 20th, 2021 Webinar

¿Cómo obtener ayuda financiera para las pruebas de detección del cáncer o tratamientos para el cáncer?

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre ayuda financiera y planes medicos 


June 15th, 2021 Webinar:

El cáncer y el entendimiento espiritual

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre el cáncer y el entendimiento espiritual


May 18th at 6PM:

¿Qué son los cuidados paliativos para los pacientes de cáncer?

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos sobre hospicio y cuidados paliativos


April 20, 2021 Webinar:

Nutrición y actividad física para la prevención del cáncer

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos en Español sobre nutrición y actividad física para la prevención del cáncer


March 16, 2021 Webinar:

El impacto del cáncer en los cambios emocionales de la salud mental

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Recursos en Español sobre la salud mental


February 16, 2021 Webinar:

Conozca a navegadores de pacientes y cómo estos le puede ayudar a su cuidado médico.

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Presentation slides:

Recursos en Español el cuidado de su salud


January 19, 2021 Webinar:

COVID-19: Actualizaciones y las vacunas

If you missed this webinar you can now watch it here:

Presentation Slides:

Recursos en Espanol sobre COVID-19 y las vacunas

Older adults and screening for cancer in central Pennsylvania Study

Qualitative study looking at cancer screening among older adults (65 plus) to develop better personal approach to individuals under this age category. This area can have a great impact upon the delivery of primary care and cancer screening.

The study demonstrated that:

  • Older adults want personalized information, but not information about life expectancy, from their health care provider in order
    to make a decision about continuing cancer screening.
  •  While fear, pain, social influence, and family history of cancer may impact cancer screening decisions, participants believed that
    the final decision of cancer screening is up to the individual.
  • Messages about screening decisions between the patient and provider are necessary and should be culturally-tailored.

This is the first study in the US on this topic to include Spanish-speakers.

The results are published in the Journal of Primary Care & Community Health.

One pager summarizing the results


Myths and facts about COVID-19 – Be informed, help spread the correct information!

On September 16, the CAB met and discussed some of the myths and facts about COVID-19 that the Latino community are concerned or have questions about. The document below has resources in Spanish about: contract tracing, visiting the doctor, legal status, getting tested for COVID, and virtual learning.

COVID-19 Myths & Facts

Spanish webinar about cancer care during COVID-19

On June 17th, the CAB hosted a ZOOM webinar for the Latino community about the precautions and safety related to cancer care during COVID-19. Dr. Natthapol Songdej, an hematologist oncologist, presented on the topic. This webinar was in Spanish and recorded.

Watch recorded Webinar here

The Hispanic/Latino Community Leaders Cancer Summit – June 26th, 2019

The objectives of the summit were to review cancer incidence and mortality for Hispanics in the catchment area; learn about potential PSCI research involving Hispanics from the catchment area; review preliminary data from the PSCI community health assessment for the first 200 Hispanic respondents; and set priorities for cancer research, outreach and education for Hispanics in the catchment area. In the concluding session, participants provided strong support and specific strategies for a future multi-level, community-based, randomized study to improve physical activity and improve nutrition among Hispanics in the PSCI catchment area. As a result of the summit,the CAB has partnered with Latinas Contra Cancer from San Jose, California to adapt their breast cancer education initiative in central Pennsylvania.

Community Health Assessment

The CAB conducted a community assessment of the cancer burden and the cancer-related needs of Hispanic/Latino community in central Pennsylvania. Data collected from the assessment is currently being analyzed. The findings of the assessment will be used to determine cancer outreach and research priorities for cancer-related research among Hispanics/Latinos in central Pennsylvania.

Infographics: Data from 562 Hispanics/Latinos living in central Pennsylvania

Click here to see Infographic in Spanish  

The Story of Cancer in central Pennsylvania translated into Spanish

Penn State has launched its first cancer-related Story Map, “The Story of Cancer in Central Pennsylvania.” The interactive geospatial map illustrates the extent of the cancer problem in the region. It also highlights patient navigators who help people overcome barriers to cancer care and action steps to help address cancer in the community.

For more information about The Story of Cancer in central Pennsylvania click here.

Download the Storymap in Spanish

Cancer incidence and mortality among Latinos in the cities of Lancaster and Reading

Facts sheets are now available in English and Spanish:

Lancaster City in English Lancaster City in Spanish Reading City in English Reading City in Spanish