
Syllabi, learning materials, and other tools from courses affiliated with The Cape are made available for other educators to adopt.

Accelerator Rap! Diversity, entrepreneurship, education, and contemporary arts3 credits

Winner of the 2020 Academy of Management Innovation in Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Award

This course helps undergraduate students develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable them to engage successfully with the complexity and dynamism of our cultural and economic systems. It teaches students about entrepreneurial concepts – lean startup, lead user innovation, conversational competencies, etc. – while alerting them to matters of diversity, inclusion, and belonging in entrepreneurship. It requires students to work in interdisciplinary teams and to learn from people with expertise in topics unrelated to their majors. It supports students in the creation of multimedia works that externalize their learning about entrepreneurship. And, as a project-based class, it enables students to present their projects to the public.

The course qualifies for credit in the PSU Intercollegiate Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (New Media Cluster), and it is cross-listed in Art, Education, English, and Music. The course attracts students who may not otherwise take any business-related classes. Students report that the course transforms their ideas about business and entrepreneurship.