Statement of Informed Consent
This research study had been approved by Penn State’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). IRB makes sure that any research involving human participants (such as this survey) is conducted ethically and responsibly, protecting the rights of you as a potential research participant. The research team would like to remind all potential participants that:
- You must be 18 years or older to complete this survey
- Your participation in this study is completely voluntary – you may stop at any time if you wish
- Participation is anonymous -no personally identifiable information will be associated with your responses – survey results will only be reported for groups of people, not specific individuals
- Only the primary researcher (Brad Olson) and the research adviser (Dr. Mark Brennan) will have access to the personal contact information used to contact potential participants (mailing and email addresses) – that information will be kept separate from the survey results and will be destroyed at conclusion of the research study
- All data collected from the survey will be stored electronically on the secure servers of Qualtrics (the online survey program used in this study) and on the researcher’s password-protected computer in a locked office in Ferguson building, University Park Campus.
- The survey takes around 20 minutes or less to complete
For answers to additional questions, click here. Feel free to contact the primary researcher, Brad Olson, with any questions at (anytime) or 814-863-7441 (between 9am and 5pm, Monday through Friday).
We sincerely thank you and appreciate your participation,
Brad Olson and the Research Team
By clicking on the survey link below, you agree that you have read the above points and give your implied consent to participate in the research study.
Link to Complete the Online Survey
[click here to complete the survey – *link not activated yet]