Best Study Spots On & Off Campus

Studying can be tedious and difficult, but you know it’s something you have to do. With finals week right here, it can be the most stressful time of the year as the holidays are approaching and everyone just wants the semester to end. If you live at the commons, or even if you don’t, you know there can be so many distractions. Finding the right environment to study in will lead to less procrastination. Typically, I don’t like studying in my room, but if I have to, I make sure I have a constructive set up so my studying is effective. I’ll probably get called a nerd for saying this, but I think studying can be made fun!

I’ve compiled a list of my favorite places to study on and off campus that will keep you feeling focused and productive.
  • The Student Success Center
    • This is where I spent a lot of time during my freshman year. I found myself getting a lot of work done here even if I only spent an hour studying. There are several tables and even computers to borrow if needed. You can even grab a snack from the vending machines located on the bottom floor of the Williams building. Brandy Burke is also there to help you, and she is the sweetest woman who will help with anything! I’ve also found that having friends come with me to study, even if they’re doing something completely different helps me to stay focused and motivated. This is a convenient spot to gather with friends to study.
  • The Library
    • I personally only utilized the library once or twice, but I wish I would’ve used it more. It’s a very open and welcoming environment, and there are tables, couches, and comfortable chairs to sit in. It is a perfect place to go for people who get distracted easily and are seeking a quiet place to study. The library will have extended hours from December 9 to December 15 from 8:00 a.m, to 8:00 p.m. Check it out and let me know what you think of it!
  • Panera Bread
    • Panera is at the very top of my list for the best study spots. The environment is super relaxing and cozy, and there are many other people in there doing work as well. I normally grab a bagel and a refreshing drink before I start my work. Here, I find myself to be very motivated and focused while studying or completing any type of work. Free Wi-Fi is available and there are plenty of outlets to plug your laptop in. It truly makes me feel like an adult, and it’s kinda fun!
  • Eberly Computer Lab
    • The computer lab is great for students who need to use the computers or print something. The IT folks are excellent at answering questions and helping fix any computer issues. There’s normally a good bit of people in there, but as I said earlier, I tend to get more work done when I’m on campus rather than at my apartment. If you like working amongst other students, this might be a good fit for you.
  • The Student Lounge
    • The student lounge might not be a good fit for some to study because of the noise, but if you can complete work and study while others are around, this might work for you. When I study here, I usually put headphones in and just work on something simple.
  • Starbucks
    • Starbucks has a very welcoming environment with tons of spots to sit and study at. And you can get your favorite drink to sip on during your studies. My go to drink is the Iced Matcha Tea Latte with coconut milk. 🙂
  • Community Center
    • This is my favorite spot on campus to be at because I’m an athlete. I normally grab some food from the cafe and then sit at a table and study while I’m eating. If you don’t like being around too many people, there are smaller rooms here that you can go to.
  • Outdoor Tables/Benches
    • When the weather is nice, studying in nature is relaxing and enjoyable to me. My professors have even held some classes outdoors, and it felt so good to get some fresh air and learn.
  • Biomedical building
    • I’ve only ever been in the biomedical building my freshman year for one class, but all of my peers that are nursing students spend a lot of time studying here.
  • Yum Yum’s Bagel Cafe
    • This cafe is one of my favorites in Uniontown. Similar to Panera, I enjoy getting food and coffee before I start studying. The natural lighting and relaxed atmosphere make this a great location to study at.

I think one of the most important things for effective studying is to find what works for you. Before you even search for a study spot, narrow down some possible spots by being honest with yourself about distractions and your method of learning. It all starts with location and comfort. Find what works best for you and create a routine. It’s important to always remember the end goal, success!! 🙂

If you have any favorite study spots, I would love to hear them in the comments below!