Penn State Fayette’s first Trunk or Treat

Penn State Fayette held its first Trunk or Treat on October 24, 2021.

Penn State Fayette welcomed members of the community to campus on October 24, 2021 for our first ever Trunk or Treat. Student led organzations, faculty, and police officers decorated their trunks with various themes and handed out candy with a smile.

I myself participated in the event and thought it turned out very well. The creativity and uniqueness to every trunk made the event special. Seeing the kids dressed up in their costumes brought back memories from my childhood, and it was nice to come together as a campus and community to have an event like this. Campus Officer, Russell expressed that he couldn’t thank everyone who participated enough and wants to continue this event in the future years.

Some of the different types of trunks are shown in the above images. There was even a contest for the best decorated trunk and idea. The Christian Club won first place with a Noah’s Ark theme, followed by Brandy from the Student Success Center with a Scooby Doo theme.

I highly recommend to all of my classmates and peers to get involved on campus and attend different events that are offered to us. It is a great resume builder, and we also pay tuition, so why not take advantage of the exciting events to gain an even better college experience. Some of them even have the chance to win gift cards and who doesn’t love free stuff!?

A Pumpkin Carving Contest, Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit Trip, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream Production are all coming up soon! All free or at a low cost!

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