Social Changes / Feminism

For my Personal is Political blog I have decided to explore the topic of feminism and how it has evolved over time. To do this, I plan to conduct interviews with women in my life to gain a better understanding of their personal, academic, and professional experiences.

The first step in this process is to come up with a set of questions that will guide these interviews. While I know that each interview will be unique and tailored to the individual, I want to have some general guidelines in place to ensure that I cover the main areas of interest.

To start, I plan on asking some basic questions to get to know the person being interviewed. I will ask for their name and where they were born. I will also ask about their hobbies and interests outside of work or school.

From there, I will move on to more specific questions related to gender differences and feminism. I am interested in exploring how different generations were impacted by the waves of feminism, and how changes over the years have been perceived by those who have lived through them.

I will ask questions like, “What was your childhood like regarding gender differences?” and “What did you notice among the people who surrounded you, such as your family and friends?” I am also curious to know if the person being interviewed has experienced any changes throughout their life that have affected them in any way.

Then, I will ask about their work life and whether they have faced any challenges due to gender differences. This will provide insight into how far we have come in terms of workplace equity and what still needs to be done to achieve true gender equity.

Finally, I will ask them how they empower themselves and the women around them, as well as for advice they can give to young girls today. It is important to me to understand the ways in which they have taken charge in their own lives and worked to create positive change in the world for women. Through these questions, I hope to shed light on the ways in which women can support each other and inspire future generations to do the same.

Unfortunately I am unable to provide any interviews for today as I needed to develop the questions beforehand. However, I have already spoken to a few individuals and have planned some interviews with them. Please stay tuned to the post of my Political Is Personal blog where I will introduce my first interviewee.


One thought on “Social Changes / Feminism

  1. Hi Carmen! I’m really excited to hear all the interviews you’re going to be conducting. Who are you going to be interviewing? Will your interviewees be your family members, mentors, or maybe friends? I would also like to hear about what types of lives these women have had and how they’ve learned through their experiences in life.

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