Do What You Love, Love What You Do

Hi friends!

I have contemplated all of the new topics I could, but ultimately I decided to stick with the same passion. If you are my loyal homies from last semester, you know that I try to write about interesting cultural aspects from countries all over the world. Most of what I have focused on thus far has been tangible things–artifacts, buildings, art.

This semester I am hoping to dive into the intangible aspects of culture that we often think of, but may not know much about. For example, focusing on traditional dances around the world, or various styles of singing. Also, I am determined to write a post on something to do with food, considering that is the best part about visiting places around the world!

Again, if you have read my posts before you know that I try to personalize as much as I can. The best way to connect with an audience is by being personable, and that is definitely something I want to maintain throughout the semester. I also hope to get more specific with the countries I choose to explore. Instead of just writing about Europe, I want to write about a specific country. My goal is to also explore places we may not be as familiar with. Instead of China, Egypt, Korea, or any other well-known country, I want to focus on places people have never heard of before. Even if the name is familiar, I hope to continue to introduce everyone to a new aspect of the country’s culture that both you and I may not have known before.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please let me know!


Image result for passion

P.S. Scrabble is literally the best game on the planet, so appreciate this.

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