Zimbabwe Natural Attractions!

Hey everyone!

This week I want too step aside from food, clothes, artifacts and such to appreciate the more natural aspects of the world. The country I want to focus on is Zimbabwe. Such a fun name to say. Anyways, I want to talk about some of the famous waterfalls that the country is know for.


Mutarazi Falls Image result for Mutarazi Falls and Mutaruru Falls


For a while Mutarazi falls was the 5th highest waterfall in the world, until it was bumped down to 6th place 16 years ago when a higher waterfall was discovered. The beautiful waterfall can be found near Nyanga National Park in Zimbabwe. As you could imagine, the weather is gorgeous during all of the season. Because the falls are elevated, summer temperatures are much cooler than the whole of Zimbabwe. So what better way to spend your summer than to go visit the National Park? The park is a bounty of diverse wildlife. Buffalo, lions, reedbucks, hyenas, leopards, and other exotic creatures roam the area. The area is also home two to creatures that cannot be found anywhere else. Both the blue duiker and samango monkey can only be found in the Eastern Highlands.

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Blue Duiker AKA probably the cutest little deer rat you have ever seen.

Image result for samanga monkey

Above, the Samango monkey babe. Let’s just admire the sweet little determined face.

I could stare at baby animals all day, but I digress. I want to jump in and take a look at another well-known waterfall in Zimbabwe.

Pungwe FallsImage result for pungwe Falls

As beautiful as the Pungwe falls look, many advise that you should not trek the surrounding area alone. It has been noted to be “unstable” because much of what is around the falls is still unknown. However tour guides are available, and you could always just settle for bringing a group of friends. What exactly lies around the captivating falls? Well, open plains, boulders and rocks, rich biodiversity, and magnificent birdlife for starters. The Pungwe river feeds directly into the falls, creating a tiered water force that rips through the mountains, cutting between rocks to cascade down its structures.

Victoria Falls

Image result for victoria Falls

Save the biggest and baddest one for last, of course. Surprisingly enough, Victoria falls is a UNESCO Heritage Site. Victoria falls is one of Africa’s favorite attractions. It splits between Zambia and Zimbabwe, located on the Zambezi River, which happens to be one of the largest in Africa. This waterfall is the largest in the whole world! It is, in fact, the only waterfall that stretches more than one kilometer and has a height about one hundred meters. As you can see from the picture, the height is astounding. If you were impressed by that, it is because you did not know that the falls are so loud that they can be heard from fourty kilometers away! (that’s almost 25 miles!) There are some pretty drastic changes that come with the season changes. The waterfall reaches its peak in April, where is has the greatest output of water. This is mainly due to the rainy season. Towards the end of the year, close to October and November, it reaches its lowest peak. During the dry season, you can actually walk across some parts of the waterfall. Would that not be the coolest experience ever?


If I am being honest, it was pretty difficult to find information on some of these waterfalls. Especially the Pungwe, since it is still claimed to not be well-known. Regardless, I loved learning about these beautiful waterfalls. The pictures alone are worthwhile. I have this super rad picture of me sitting under a waterfall near my house in Wisconsin. The place is called Willow River State Park. It has natural runoffs and a hiking trail you can walk. It is loads of fun if you are down for a trek. It is blurry because I had to blow it up to see it better. There was a little hold that you could crawl into to go below the waterfall. It was super slippery and what not, but there were actually dozens of people underneath there with me. I will admit without shame,  I was scared to fall,  so I did not go across.

Anyways, I feel like this is a good place to leave off. If any of you have a cool picture or story, feel free to share! Any other comments are appeciated as well.

Until next week.










Pungwe River Basin under threat from climate change, human blemishes

Victoria Falls – 3 Days

Pungwe Falls

Victoria Falls

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