Monthly Archives: September 2013

Assignment 2

Adaptation is mainly about altering and being conceding to the situation.  When it comes to public discourse and rhetoric, adaption is more considered series of modifications that takes account a whole crowd of limitations when a person bases their speech.  … Continue reading

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Sports And Public Discourse – Concussions In Football

For the past decade, one of the biggest problems in football is the increase of concussion injuries. The NFL was hit with a lawsuit for $765 million by 4,500 ex NFL players. The reason behind this lawsuit is because of … Continue reading

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My Project Proposa

1)  What is the broad topic you’d like to focus on? I would like to focus on Music. 2) What are some of the specific artifacts you might study (e.g. speeches, images, or instances of public discourse)? I want to … Continue reading

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Response to Assignment 2- Proposal

1)What is the broad topic you’d like to focus on? My topic is how is dance used as a form of public disclosure? 2) What are some of the specific artifacts you might study (e.g. speeches, images, or instances of … Continue reading

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  The power of language                 Knowing your limits plays a major role in this unfair world. You see, the thing is they want you to believe that there are limits, but those days of having limits are long gone. … Continue reading

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Candy Chang: Before I Die

Candy Chang gave a persuasive speech with a comforting delivery style that moved me. Her body language had a tone of honesty and her ethos showed true commitment to her cause. Her voice was soft and sincere, tears rolled down her cheeks, … Continue reading

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Proposal: Economic Shortcomings in Regards to Mental Health

1)  What is the broad topic you’d like to focus on? How economic displacement effects mental health treatment and how that contributes to an increased suicide rate. 2) What are some of the specific artifacts you might study (e.g. speeches, … Continue reading

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My Proposal/ Gun control

Gun Control is going to be the artifact that I will focus on this semester. Speeches, imagery, legal testimony, laws, demonstrations, media reports on gun related topics, gun production, and statistics will be some of the artifacts that I study. I … Continue reading

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My Proposal

1)  What is the broad topic you’d like to focus on? Advertising campaigns for fashion companies 2) What are some of the specific artifacts you might study (e.g. speeches, images, or instances of public discourse)? Victoria’s Secret 3) What are … Continue reading

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1)      What is the broad topic you’d like to focus on? The broad topic I would like to focus on is the SNAP program and the major cutbacks that the government is attempting to make. I want to study how … Continue reading

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