Candy Chang: Before I Die

Candy Chang gave a persuasive speech with a comforting delivery style that moved me. Her body language had a tone of honesty and her ethos showed true commitment to her cause. Her voice was soft and sincere, tears rolled down her cheeks, and she rocked back in forth almost as if being pacified by her own thoughts while reflecting on a project that she and friends did in her home town of New Orleans. According to Chang there are an enormous amount of abandoned buildings in her city. One in particular was a dilapidated building in her neighborhood and it was an eye soar. With the help of others they turned a ugly wall into a blank canvas with the words, “before I die” proceeded by a blank space for the neighbors to fill in their own dreams. The wall was filled in one day with rhetoric and it had funny answers, such as, “before I die I want to be tried for Piracy”. But it also had lines such as, “Before I die I want equality”. The pathos of her project had an emotional pull on people that was extremely strong and pushed the  project into an  international public discourse. The experiment was to show that people can become closer as a  society if we communicate with one another and share our thoughts. This speech is a fantastic example on what a very small idea can become when a voice magnifies itself into millions of voices.  Chang demonstrates that through public discourse we can find a common ground and closeness by talking about death, which is normally a mute topic.

About Diane

I am a Senior in the Corporate Communications program and God willing will graduate this May, 2016. I work as the Comm/Matrketing Manageer for the Court Time Sports Center. I am married with children and lead a busy life. Good stuff!
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6 Responses to Candy Chang: Before I Die

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  4. jjg5272 says:

    Candy Chang: Before I Die

    This short but sweet video that we had watched in class moved me in many ways. She had a wonderful sense of charisma to her; she utilized body language and great eye contact that had kept my attention throughout the whole video. Her use of Pathos greatly influenced my emotions as I watched her discuss her wishes before she dies. Her use of the chalkboard in her neighborhood brought together a community with one simple statement: before I die. She has a simple ability to not only persuade her community to come together, but she makes her proposal very personal that influenced and moved me greatly.

  5. tep5062 says:

    This was probably my favorite speech that we’ve watched so far this semester. It’s nice to hear someone using public discourse to reinforce a positive experience instead of using it for a political agenda, manipulation, or other forms of verbal side-stepping that we’ve seen numerous times. It’s just reassuring to know that public discourse can be source of positive change such as with the wall instead of simply being about a negative aspect.

    I’ve thought about the prompt “Before I die I want to…” a bit and I’m not really sure I can cotify what I want into just one sentence; nor do I really know what I want in life but just the idea of being able to share aspirations within a community is an incredibly heart-warming gesture.

  6. ccm5270 says:

    I ride past a wall like that here in Pittsburgh all the time. Honestly, it really gets my mind going. I AGREE that it was a great idea to give people the chance to anonymously express there deep compassion to express. I even try to think of something new to do before I die every single time i see the tempting wall. My favorite one is the one that says “before I die I want to LIVE”. Whats not to love about that wall or any other walls like it? they truly serve many purposes in every heart.

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