Response to Assignment 2- Proposal

1)What is the broad topic you’d like to focus on?

My topic is how is dance used as a form of public disclosure?

2) What are some of the specific artifacts you might study (e.g. speeches, images, or instances of public discourse)?

The specific artifacts I would like to study would be a variety of videos posted of dance performances, read articles pertaining to dance and the affects it has on the public, as well as researching the different origins and styles of dance and the diaspora it has established throughout time.

3) What are the main questions you’d like to answer?  What do you hope to learn from the project?

The main questions I would like to answer throughout this project would be:

  1. In what ways does dance work as public disclosure?
  2. Are there any requirements for dance to be considered as a form of public disclosure?
  3. What encourages those to dance and use the influence to make an impact to society?
  4. Are there any specific dance styles that do a better job at contributing to the instances of public discourse?

4)  What, in your view, makes the project/artifacts/questions significant? Why do you think this is worth studying?

I believe what makes this topic significant would be the impact a performance can have on people.  The image of dance is a meticulous one to think about and can resonate feelings of hope, despair, sadness, happiness, and even anger throughout a performance.  In addition to the emotional influence dance can have, the art of dance can also send a message and even tell a story through its performance.

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