Opening Questions MOW Speech

Of course President Obama is authorized to give a speech in this given situation.  The public would be his main audience because the situation is calling for an answer from authority or higher power. The voices that are silenced are the ones who are opposed to combing races because they aren’t going to support the movement. The people that are being addressed are those who are of color or not of color that are agreeing with the movement of every race coming together as one. I believe that he is speaking to those who are against segregation and that believe in equal rights. Opposed to his indirect speaking to those who are or were for segregation and don’t believe in equal rights. Even though the world and people are progressively growing out of racism and that are still racist today. The means of persuasion is very important if you want to keep the audience entertained or even change the minds of those who don’t agree with you beliefs of decisions. If Obama were really plain about the speech as far as facial express or his demeanor he would lose his crowds interest. He used had gestures, emotion and a strong demeanor to keep his crowd motivated and reminded of the speech given once before and that we should follow today.

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