Author Archives: Diane

About Diane

I am a Senior in the Corporate Communications program and God willing will graduate this May, 2016. I work as the Comm/Matrketing Manageer for the Court Time Sports Center. I am married with children and lead a busy life. Good stuff!

Bobby Sands

Bobby Sands along with his comrades chose to endure harsh, dehumanizing, tragic, unjust, and physically horrid circumstances to stand up for their beliefs. Lying bare naked on freezing-cold concrete floors that were wet from urine, these men day after day were … Continue reading

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The Ugliness of Typhoon Haiyan Yields for One Beautiful New-born Baby

November 8, 2013 just three days ago the most powerful Typhoon to strike the Philippines this year has caused devastation that brings with it images of death, decay, and life. Typhoon Haiyan has caused the deaths of an estimated 10,000 … Continue reading

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Violent Images/ Jesus Christ Crucifixion/Resuurection

Religion is a birth place for historical visual rhetoric, none more powerful than the images of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Christian faith is strongly based on the premise that God created the Earth and all inhabitants of … Continue reading

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Guilt, Relief, Scapegoating within the War on Tobacco

Focusing on Tobacco use and the realm of topics associated with  its harmful effects I would like to emphasize on the carcinogenic cancers and other illnesses caused by the products. It has been an ongoing journey for tobacco companies, scientific researchers, physicians that … Continue reading

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Burke’s Pentad/ Tobacco free zones in parks and playgrounds in Allegheny County

Pennsylvania’s Young Lungs at Play program is fighting to create and maintain safe play and recreational areas for the children of Pa. There are volunteering, geographical areas that forbid tobacco use completely, however the towns, townships, and or counties within Pennsylvania must adopt the smoke free program voluntarily … Continue reading

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Letter From Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King Jr. was jailed as a personal exhibition to prove that he supported the cause to stop segregation in the southern states. Birmingham, Alabama was the sight of, demonstrations, marches, sit-ins in non-negro restaurants and strikes against merchants … Continue reading

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Tabacco Use as Public Discourse/ Advanced Proposal

My specific purposes of interpreting and informing my audience about tobacco use, specifically smoked and smokeless tobaccos and nicotine gum and other devices to assist an individual to control and or quit using tobacco is to show that there are many forms of public discourse surrounding the … Continue reading

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Washinton Redskins’ Name Change Controversy

A particular headline news story this week that got my attention is the name change issue surrounding the Washington Redskins’ football team. The team has been a member of the National Football League since 1932 and was originally owned by George Preston Marshall and was … Continue reading

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Candy Chang: Before I Die

Candy Chang gave a persuasive speech with a comforting delivery style that moved me. Her body language had a tone of honesty and her ethos showed true commitment to her cause. Her voice was soft and sincere, tears rolled down her cheeks, … Continue reading

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My Proposal/ Gun control

Gun Control is going to be the artifact that I will focus on this semester. Speeches, imagery, legal testimony, laws, demonstrations, media reports on gun related topics, gun production, and statistics will be some of the artifacts that I study. I … Continue reading

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