Author Archives: hlv5024


Beauty has been the cause of a lot of discourse in the world, because people really believe in the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is subjective, beauty is all about what strums the cords … Continue reading

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Violent Images Response

After reading Behold the Corpse it made me think of many other images and the discourse that it has caused. The one that stood out to me is the photo of  The lynching of Thomas Shipp and Abe Smith in … Continue reading

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Pentad Critism

The piece that I chose is when Kanye West accused President George W. Bush of not liking black people.  I chose that piece because it will be simple to break down the Pentad of this situation.  Also, this situation caused … Continue reading

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Scapegoating in Sports

I know this approach is a little nontraditional, however I believe it is a perfect example. Scapegoating happens in nearly ever team sport and it influences the public opinion for example ESPN. Lets look at football for example how many … Continue reading

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Mini In Class Presentation

This is just a basic rundown of what my mini in class presentation will be about I am choosing to look at a song and its social impact. The song that I am looking at is “What’s Going On” by … Continue reading

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Advanced Proposal

Advanced Proposal 1) My goal is to examine why Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela where so persuasive, influential and important when pertained to public discourse of black men. 2) They are important because of their speeches and … Continue reading

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Letter from Birmingham Jail

“Then it occurred to us that Birmingham’s mayoral election was coming up in March, and we speedily decided to postpone action until after election day. When we discovered that the Commissioner of Public Safety, Eugene “Bull” Connor, had piled up … Continue reading

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Project Proposal

1) As of right now I would like to focus on discourse comes from ignorance. 2) I was planning on focusing on entertainment media and looking at how what is said about them truth or not and how causes issues … Continue reading

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Audiances and Language

One will ask what is adaptation? How does a speaker adapt when giving a speech or during discourse? A speaker should adapt the second they walk out and feel out their audience. For instance for speakers there is a difference … Continue reading

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First Assignment

In a given situation those of authority and those that have intimate knowledge or wisdom about the situation are those that we see as being authorized to speak on a situation. We have been taught to only listen and retain … Continue reading

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