Author Archives: Kenya


A present and continuing example for the use of Pentad is the US vs. Syria and the continuous conflicts of the nearby use of chemical weapons on the civilians of the Syrian nation. The United States is sometimes seen as … Continue reading

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Bobby Sands

Bobby Sands and his friends will choose to tolerate punitive, brutalizing, disastrous, unfair, and physically unpleasant surroundings to stand up for their opinions. There were men lying bare naked and beating to a pulp on freezing cold concrete floors that … Continue reading

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Typhoon Haiyen Storm

On November 8th, 2013 the strongest Typhoon strikes the Philippines caused the most demoralizing deterioration, and death. The Typhoon Haiyan has caused the deaths of about 10,000 individuals and more. The water smashed the area with tsunami earlier on that … Continue reading

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Candy Chang: Before I die

  Candy Chang gave a persuasive speech that was very intriguing and bolstering. While presenting her speech she had a tone of honesty and affection in her body language. Her ethos throughout the speech indicated true commitment to standing her … Continue reading

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Letter Analysis

Martin Luther King’s overall “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, was written in response by a group of clergymen in Birmingham. King was basically stating that in regards to his actions had his rights. He feels as though he had a need … Continue reading

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Assignment 2

Adaptation is mainly about altering and being conceding to the situation.  When it comes to public discourse and rhetoric, adaption is more considered series of modifications that takes account a whole crowd of limitations when a person bases their speech.  … Continue reading

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First Response on Syria

A major crisis has occurred a couple weeks back in Syria. This major crisis in Syria had enthralled the entire world and economy. Thousands of people were killed, involving a plethora of children. The immersion of chemical weapons has brought … Continue reading

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