Content analysis in action

This past week I stumbled across another excellent example of how content analysis gets put into practice in order to produce knowledge that helps us better understand our media landscape and, more specifically, the prevalence of certain kinds of images and narratives. Below, you’ll find a link to a recent research published by The Geena Davis […]

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Guide to using WordPress

Hey folks. I posted a tutorial video for my COMM 100 students that shows how you can create websites using WordPress, via Penn State Sites. If any of you are new to the process, or need a refresher on how to do it, feel free to check out the video. Here’s the link.

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Final Assignment Update

Since we’re a bit behind where I wanted us to be with regard to the timeline for our research project plans, I decided not to make the literature review due as its own assignment this Friday. However, it’s absolutely vital that you devote as much time as possible to the completion of your final paper […]

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