Revised Speech Outline

  • Media, movies and entertainment reflect current events 
  • Some use subtle approaches, some more obvious (examples) 
  • Big franchises have a larger, more diverse audience, so they tend to engage rhetorically in a subtle way 
  • Star wars encourages girls to be brave, but only to a certain degree 
  • But they still reflect feminist movements throughout the decades 
  • Thesis: 
    • The leading female characters from the Star Wars franchise are a direct reflection of the feminist movements prior to their release. 
  • Leia is a reflection of the “Second Wave Feminist movement”  
    • Agenda: more equality in the workplace and home life 
  • Leia is smart, witty, and brave
  • The writers took advantage of kairos to create a better female character 
  • But, she still has flaws (over-sexualization, only 15% of screen time in movie 4 ) 
  • Early 90’s : Third wave Feminist Movement 
    • Wanted more legal and political equality
  • Padme is a powerful women in politics who takes no nonsense from the boys 
  • “So this is how democracy dies, in thunderous applause” 
  • Padme is an embodiment of everything that the Third Wave fought for women to be seen as: a powerful, intelligent leader who was still feminine. 
  • Rey does stem from some kairotic movement, but is mostly a combination of all feminism in the last 50 years 
  • However, the writers kinda use logos to justify why she is strong and independent, rather than just letting her be (speeder hot-wire, fighting skills) 
  • Majorly engages with pathos though by essentially rewarding women with a strong female lead – women were so excited to see a girl in front 
  • Even engages with pathos when she is degraded constantly (“girl”), the audience (at least the female audience) feels enraged by this and recognizes not to to that in real life 
  • Each of the female leads is a direct reflection of the movements that had come before them
  • Women sustain in battle, men just swoop in and out when they want to (real life and movie) 
  • Women will never back down 

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