PAS5: A Thankful Girl

So here’s the final post. It’s weird that this semester is over so soon. Our first year of college is rounding to a close. And, honestly, despite everything, it’s been a pretty solid year for me. I know we’ve all been stuck inside for a month and I know that this isn’t the ideal end to our year. But, pat yourselves on the back! Despite everything, we’ve survived. I’m not going to pretend this semester hasn’t had it’s ups and downs for me and certainly for some of you. But, it was great.

I made my best friends yet. I never felt like I fit in before this year; now I do. And it’s a great feeling. I miss my friends like crazy. It’s true. And this is turning out to be a lot longer separation from them than I had anticipated. Nevertheless, I talk to them. I know they’ll be there for me when we return. I know I have a life that’s waiting for me when I get back. So, I wanna take this time to thank the people who made my first year in college so fantastic.

Thank you, Sadbh. You were my first friend in college and I have no doubts you’ll forever be my friend. You’re a busy lady but we always pick up where we left off and I am completely and totally myself with you.

Thank you, Cindy. You are my fellow crackhead and it is insane how fast we clicked. Neither of us ever thought we’d would take a second glance at the other as a close friend. And yet, here we are. I text you every day and I can always count on you for a laugh AND to school me if I’m being stupid or making mistakes.

Thank you, Brice. One of my other first friends in college. You made my birthday great. You make stupid and mean comments sometimes and yet you’re on of the best friends I have. You’re always there for me and will still give me a hug when I’m crying even if I was a jerk three days before.

Thank you, Chris. You most definitely keep me in line. You keep my ego checked at all times and you’re one of the only friends I’ve ever had who knows what a reasonable amount of mean comments is and where the line is. I can always count on you to talk some smack or educate me.

Thank you, Patrick. You stayed friends with me when Jen didn’t, and for that I’m grateful. And I’m sorry that things weren’t different this year. If you were reading this, you’d know what I mean. Maybe the cards will be in our favor one day. But for now, you’re one of my best friends.

Thank you, Lewis. You help me in class and we’re the last two who talk out of the summer group. We’ve made it and even though I haven’t always been the best friend, I’m glad we’re friends.

Thank you, Tiana. You push me to be a smarter person every day when you school me with your ever smart thoughts. I’m glad we’re friends.

Thank you, Prof. Sternlieb. You made me love reading again. You gave me my distinct appreciation for literature back and introduced me to one of my favorite novels. Thank you for restoring my love in my major and always making me laugh.

Thank you, Marisa. You recommended me for DPHIE and I’m so grateful. I gained so many sisters and friends so fast and I couldn’t be more grateful for all that you did for me.

Thank you, Grammy. You have been there for me despite everything this year and I’m so thankful for that. You always lift me up and make me feel better.

Thank you, Kellie. Your THON committee introduced me to great people and great experiences. I’m so glad we met and I don’t think I would’ve fit into any other committee better than I fit in yours.

Thank you, Ricky. You always gave good advice and you were a great pal. I’m gonna miss living on the same floor as you. I’m so happy for you and Carly.

Thank you, Amanda. You’re so fun and you’ve taught me more about differing opinions than I’ve ever learned in my life.

I’m sure there’s a million more people I could write some notes to but this is the main bulk of  people who made my year great. Thank you to everyone. You’re all great.

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