Genre: Adventure / Fantasy Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Physical Description: A somewhat short woman, her stocky build displays her incredible athleticism. By looks, her age could reasonably be anywhere from twenty to fifty. Her coarse black hair is braided and dreaded close to her head, and her skin is a very dark brown, nearing jet black. Her eyes are incredibly intelligent, but also somewhat unsettling. There are many scars across her body, but all have faded to be almost imperceptible.
Attire: A mercenary by trade, she wears a dull grey chainmail hauberk over simple cloth. Her arms and legs are covered by hide bracers, and she wears a short-brimmed bronze helmet. A wooden bow is strapped to her back, engraved in all manner of odd magic runes — it’s enchanted to fire illusory arrows should she run out of (or need to conserve) ammunition, as a way to keep hostiles at a distance. A bronze khopesh sword swings at her left side, and a studded leather shield is on her right.
Backstory: Karda was born in the territory of lands that would later be known as the Ghabudai Empire. Growing up with a mastery of the magic all humans are born with, she became a powerful shamaness inside her own community before expanding her reach beyond it. It was sometime after she turned fifty that she realized her own mortality — after all, in such times people barely expected to make it past thirty.
Terrified of death, Karda assembled her most devout acolytes and began a harrowing ritual, intending to become immortal. Nothing could have stopped her, not even the innocent lives that she took in the process of accomplishing her goal. Heroes assembled, trying to stop the ascension of an evil Empress. They all fell before her, but not without crippling the spell she had been weaving for her immortality.
A burst of energy went forward, wiping out any nearby life, and Karda fell unconscious. She woke far younger than she had been, and used her new youth to found the Ghabudai’s Empire. Soon after, she noticed that she was aging normally…
When she found herself becoming infirm again, she spent a year experimenting with magic that could reactivate the spell and return her youth — and she did. Using this method every thirty years or so, Karda was able to rule the Ghabudai Empire for over two centuries. Unfortunately for her, a human mind is not meant to hold two centuries of knowledge, it simply can’t. Slowly her madness overtook her, until a coup was organized against her reign and she was ousted from her own Empire.
Karda spent a full century wandering the world in madness, until she learned of a spell component that could restore her sanity — though it also stole the majority of her memories. Now sane, Karda returned to her home, only to find her Empire razed and replaced by the Hamenatoan Theocracy, worshippers of a god she had never even heard of before.
Now four-hundred years old and without a home, Karda uses the countless talents and abilities she gained over the years to be a perfect mercenary, known by many monikers — though “The Moth” has always been her favorite. Though she is currently content to remain as a sword-for-hire, her old aspirations of true immortality never fully died out. As she lives, and grows, and learns, and forgets, Karda continues to amass power and wealth. One day the ruler will return, but whether she will be the Evil Empress of past times or a new Paragon Queen is still for the world to see.
Really interesting write up on this character. I really like the way you describe her and her backstory it was very engaging. Keep up the good work!
The description and analysis was very detailed and interesting!
Your description of the character was very vivid and I could practically see them. I felt like I was in a DnD module.
I like this concept you have about coming up with new characters. I think it’d be interesting to see their family history as well, just to see where they get certain characteristics from.