Session 1
* Discussion using the Ken Bain text, What the Best College Teachers Do (2004).
* Applied the reading to our own experience and discussed ideas in smaller groups.
* Discussed deliverables and options for participation in the program.
Session 2
*Discussion of Bain text
* Info session on problem-based learning approaches to refine project statements
* Development of problem statements and opportunitiesĀ for peer feedback
Session 3
*Discussion of Bain text
* Further refinement of problem statements
* Exploration of scholarly resources for classroom interventions to address problems
* 1-on-1 sessions with facilitators to discuss projects and finalize interventions and approaches
Session 4
* Info session on data collection approaches
* Discuss approaches for assessing projects and student learning
* Begin initial drafts of reports: introduction, context, intervention, data collection, and assessment plan.
* Develop timeline for classroom integration
Session 5
* Peer review of report drafts for feedback
* Continue discussion on assessment as needed
* Begin round robin sharing of projects
Session 6
* Round robin sharing of projects
* Lunch
Reports were submitted a few weeks after the end of the program and into the next semester for projects incorporating interventions at a later date.