Outline of my civic artifact speech

– describe the advertisement briefly – The target audience, how it connect to them emotionally – The speaker, the relation to the audience, the purpose – civic commplaces – The boy’s response, thinking about the social problem – kairos

The new journey

Today, I will keep talking about my stories with the piano. In the last blog, I mentioned that I went through a period of time in which I got bored practicing. It seemed to be an episode in my fourteen years of piano career.   I never feel I really love playing the piano until […]

Ms. Piano

Today, I will keep talking about my stories with Ms. Piano. In the last blog, I described how I met and made friends with Ms. Piano. I enjoyed the time taking the private lessons and practicing at the beginning. Unfortunately, I moved into the second stage – I found out that did not like playing […]

How to behave “Like A Girl”?

During the 2015 Super Bowl, a 60-second commercial video was aired. Always “Like A Girl” campaign is being discussed on social media. People were paying attention to the issue stated in the video. In the video, a group of adults was asked to run like a girl, throw like a girl, and fight like a […]

The Better Looking

Imagine the picture of a girl walking down the street alone. She does not seem to be happy. She looks at her reflection in the glass of a window and she is even sadder after she sees her face. Then she goes to a lipstick store and buys lipstick. The scene changes at this time. […]