Ms. Piano

Today, I will keep talking about my stories with Ms. Piano. In the last blog, I described how I met and made friends with Ms. Piano. I enjoyed the time taking the private lessons and practicing at the beginning. Unfortunately, I moved into the second stage – I found out that did not like playing the piano after a few months. Practice the same piece over and over, I felt bored sitting at the piano for over ten minutes. Pieces I used to like became my enemies. They laughed at me when I made mistakes. Gradually, I lost the patient to play the piano.


But I worried that if I stop practicing, people around may be disappointed about me. I do not want people to think that way, so I persuaded myself to keep practicing. However, good times do not last long. The desire to give up finally broke out. I hammered away at the piano, making a big noise. My mom is attracted. She came over and asked me what happened. I was trying to find an excuse, but I failed. After a short silence, I decided to tell my mom about my trouble. I told her that I do not want to play the piano anymore. It’s painful to practice the same piece over and over but the same mistakes are still made. Also, the piano looks boring. It’s not as fun as the other toys, which can sing, can dance, can make a funny face. The piano can do none of these. Why am I spending time with it?


When my mom was listening to me, she did not seem to be happy. She looked at me seriously and said “I understand you do not want to play the piano because practicing is a boring thing to do. But people grow up with many things they do not like. What should you do when you find something you do not want to do? Giving up or keeping going? I want to tell you that the only way you can be stronger is to keep working hard. If you choose to stop practicing now, you will never meet the fairy in the piano. She does not like children who give up easily. You decide what you want.”


At night, I lay in bed still thinking about my mom’s words. On a whim, I went to the piano room. What I saw shocked me – The piano was glowing. I thought it probably was a fairy spell. I said hi to the fairy but she did not respond to me. I thought she must be mad at me. I felt very guilty that I had been so disrespectful to the piano. After this experience, my hatred for the piano was forgotten. But I don’t think I start to enjoy playing the piano until I went to the third stage.


3 thoughts on “Ms. Piano

  1. I really like the way you describe your frustration at the piano and how you seemingly contrast that with your mom’s objectivity and cool attitude. I also liked how you posed the question that your mom asked about giving up on things that you don’t like doing. the way you ended the blog and kept suspense gave me a sense of curiosity and excitement for the next chapter of your blog. Looking forward to reading it!

  2. As a recently self-taught pianist over quarantine, I have a new found respect for people that have devoted countless hours to learning how to play the piano. I can only imagine the deep frustration, patience, and dedication it takes to master the instrument.

  3. I really like the description between you “reuniting” with your piano. I also like how you provided both you and your mom’s feelings toward the piano. Finally, I enjoy how you end the blog by building up suspense for your next one.

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