Outline of my civic artifact speech

– describe the advertisement briefly

– The target audience, how it connect to them emotionally

– The speaker, the relation to the audience, the purpose

– civic commplaces

– The boy’s response, thinking about the social problem

– kairos

4 thoughts on “Outline of my civic artifact speech

  1. If relevent, you can also include ethos, pathos, and logos. Also, be careful in describing as the main focus should be on the analysis.

  2. I agree with the comment before me because I will have to work on my essay to be careful not to describe/summarize as well because we should focus on the analysis.

  3. As the other comments say, analysis is key. Anyone can go look at the advertisement, but the audience wants to know what you have to say about it

  4. I think it might be easier for you to describe more of the civic commonplaces right off the bat so that you can then proceed to examine the effect those commonplaces have on the viewer. I like how you’re planning on looking at the boy’s response and looking at the overall societal problem that it relates to.

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