The history of the Piano

I think of two possible topics for Unit Two Project, which was mentioned in the last blog. Based on my research, the history of the piano seems to be more interesting to talk about. First, I need to learn more about history. I found the following sites which provide good information for me. […]

“How to Get Your Brain to Focus?”

Today, I will talk about my favorite Ted Talk. The link to the video is posted below. This topic of this Ted Talk is “How to Get Your Brain to Focus”. I think it’s a very interesting topic because many people today are overwhelmed by the various information online. With the development of technology, people […]

The reflection of my speech

I think the strength of my speech is that my PowerPoint is clear. It does not contain too many words. And the content of the speech is good. My speech follows the PowerPoint. The weakness of my speech is the delivery. I think the tone of my speech can be improved. I also talk a […]

Chopin: Nocturnes

Today, I want to introduce another piano masterpiece Nocturnes composed by Chopin. One of my favorite pieces in Chopin nocturnes is Op. 72 No.1. This piece is Chopin’s first nocturne. It seems to be an introduction to the following pieces. It means more than the piece itself.   First, I want to talk about the […]

Claude Debussy: Clair de Lune

Clair de lune, a masterpiece composed by Debussy, is one of my favorite piano piece. I went into this piece this summer. I liked it very much. So today, I want to share more information about this beautiful piano piece.   Starting with the composer — Debussy Debussy, a French composer, was born in 1862. […]

Draft of the Rhetorical Analysis Essay

The Gender Stereotype Have you ever seen a Dad play fighting with his son and said, “Don’t hit like a girl?” The “like a girl” expression he used indicates the gender stereotype granted in our society that women are weaker than men. Though the gender stereotype is wrong, many people accept it unconsciously. Always “Like […]