RCL Blog #1

For my passion blog, I want to change the topic for the new semester. I may talk about the majors I’m interested in and considering choosing in the future. I may also discuss the history of the subject I like the most.

For my Civic Issues blog, there are two topics I’m considering. One is the cost of health insurance. The other one is uniform in school.

For my “This I Believe” podcast, I think of two beliefs I have.

  • “Conversasion with myself”
  • “Health or Beauty”

4 thoughts on “RCL Blog #1

  1. Both of your passion blogs are great options! I think it would be interesting to hear about all of the different majors. The cost of health insurance is a great civic issue in the United States, and it would provide you with a lot to write about. I am a little confused about what conversion with yourself means. Did you mean conversation? Overall, I think you have some great ideas for these three assignments!

  2. I am super interested in both health and beauty and I’d like to learn more about your ideas for that topic….I wore a uniform in school my whole life up til now so I think that is a very interesting and unique topic as well.

  3. I think your ideas for your “This I Believe” are unique and important to you. I really enjoyed the idea of your ” self conversion” as it pertains to you finding your self idenity which I think is very important for personal health. Moving on to your civic issues I think the cost of health insurance is very important during this time and it would be great to hear your opinion. I also like your idea for your passion blog for majors you are considering. I think it’ll be a good way to track your thoughts and ideas while we move through the semester.

  4. I think examining the cost of health insurance would be a great topic, especially because you would have so many resources and can definitely get a lot of information. I love how original and non-cliche your This I Believe Ideas are, and I am interested in hearing more of your ideas/beliefs on either topic!

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