RCL – “Kairos for issue brief”

For my issue brief, I will use kairos and the urgency of the problem to stress the importance of solving it and unfold the issue explanation. I will be talking about “Policies To Improve Health Insurance Coverage as America Recovers From COVID-19” for my issue brief. Obviously, it’s the moment that people are getting the covid-19 vaccine, and people are interested in health issues. People who did not get infected want to take the vaccine and get rid of the virus as soon as possible. The people who have already been infected may be struggling with the health issues brought by the virus. Although many of those infected have recovered, they still worry about their health. Therefore, health insurance coverage improvement can help assuage their worries, especially during the 



Therefore, the policies to improve health insurance coverage seem urgent in the United States right after the vaccine is done. It will not only ease the burden of health care costs at a time when the economy is suffering but also ease anxiety from citizens during the pandemic. As vaccines become more widely available, the government’s next step should be to upgrade health insurance coverage. 

One thought on “RCL – “Kairos for issue brief”

  1. I like this topic because healthcare is an issue that pertains to almost every American right now, especially during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is definitely a lot of discussion about the state of our economy and how healthcare around the virus is being paid for, so it will be interesting to see what ideas are being proposed about health insurance during this time. I think the issue brief topic is good because it is not only urgent, but also can be directed at a very wide audience.

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