Overall I thought that my TED Talk went better than my Rhetorical analysis speech. I was more prepared this time around a bit more relaxed and natural when presenting. There is still plenty I can work on. I felt that I had enough information to present with, and I used the visuals aids appropriately, not putting an excessive amount of information on each slide. Where I believe I can make the most improvement is in the actual presentation of material. There where a few instances where I had been lost for words, which lead to awkward silences. A few times I was able to recuperate and seamlessly finish the thought, other times I blundered the rest of the sentence. The solution to this problem is simple, I just have to practice presenting in front of people to make sure that I can flow in-between thoughts, as well as get over my nerves of presenting in front of people. I was able to maintain good eye contact during the presentation, though the times where I was lost for words, I either stared off into space or at the ceiling. Furthermore, I should work out a better conclusion to my presentations. After watching myself, I got the impression that my conclusion was more improvised than it was scripted. While I was able to reinforce the main ideas of my presentation, I felt as though I could have made a stronger case at the end to really instill what I was trying to convey to the audience. Overall, I am fairly pleased with how this presentation went, and I know what it is I need to improve on and how I will be able to do so. Next time around, I hope to give a presentation that is of a more professional quality, and less improvised.