“This I Believe” Ideas:
The importance of combat sports.
Growing up I participated in a wide variety of combat sports, including Wrestling, Boxing, Judo, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Now what I believe is important in participating in combat sports is because of all the positive benefits it has on a person who trains seriously and safely. Combat Sports humble an individual. Personally I believe that everybody today is a little to cocky. You can lose a verbal argument, and everybody around you would agree that you lost, but in your mind you will walk away and think you won. Its a lot harder to think you’re winning a fight when you’re being choked out. Combat sports teach individuals about discipline, respect, and hard work and you build a bond with your teammates as you explore the world of martial arts.
Those who are addicted are sick, not stupid.
Drug addiction is finally being recognized as a mental illness and not just a series of bad decisions made by an individual. Personally I have seen drug addiction ruin the lives of the individuals as well as the lives of the people around them. My friends mother came home from school one day and say his mom lying in the bath tub passed out after she OD. He didn’t know what to do, he said that if he brought her to a hospital that they would take her away. My friends mom wasn’t a bad person and she wasn’t always this way. She had been struggling with depression ever since her husband left her. She’s not stupid, just sick.
“Passion Blog” Ideas:
Stand up comics and an analysis of their style and influence.
The world of standup comedy is often overlooked by the general public, and is often criticized as being crude, un PC, and full of hate speech. While few standup comics are able to make into stardom, most live comfortably perfecting their styles and craft which results in hilarious jokes and funny insights. The point of standup comedy is to make jokes about the world around us and make light of often serious topics. The artists know that they push the envelope when discussing controversial topics, but they do it in a way to ease people into further understanding an issue and explain it in their own humorous way.
My favorite Artists and their influence on he music industry.
Well here we go again, another top ten favorite music artist list from someone who believes to have the best taste in music. This blog would be about my favorite artists and an analysis of their musical style and their influences growing up. Most importantly I would talk about their influence on the music industry.
“Civic Issues” Ideas:
Environment, Water and its scarcity in around the world.
In 2020, there are people on the planet who still do not have accesses to clean drinking water. There are even some people out there who believe that water is not even a human right. This blog would explore the issue of water around the world and possible solutions to getting water to everyone in the world.
Politics, Post Racial America and the tension between races in America.
Though America claims to be to live in a totally unbiased society, it could not be further than the truth. Racial tension in America is at an all time high and the blog would explore these tensions in America.
I really like the addicted are sick, not stupid idea. I definitely believe that and I’d love to hear your podcast on it.
I also really like the stand up comics idea, though I also love music, I’d love to learn about comedians.
I like both of the civic issues ideas, I might be partial to the politics idea just because that would be more exposure for me, which I’m always looking for now!
Your idea on addiction for your “This I Believe” project would be very interesting, I think. It would be beneficial for others to hear your experiences with it because it is something that should have more attention and understanding. I really like your comedian idea for your passion blog. That idea is very original, as I haven’t encountered any blogs on that topic. I think it would be a fun way to cover your passion blog for the semester. Both of your civic issue ideas are important within society. I don’t think people realize just how serious water scarcity is becoming around the world, but even in the U.S., and we still aren’t doing anything about it. Politics is also a great controversy within our society’s today. Either one you cover would be enlightening!
Discussing the idea of addiction for your podcast would be really interesting. Addiction is almost universally seen as a choice or something that only ignorant or unintelligent people “participate” in. It’s important to talk about how anyone can fall for addiction and it’s certainly not a choice–though it requires a great amount of motivation to overcome. Stand up comics would be really interesting to read about! Also, the environment is a really relevant topic and there is a lot of discussion about the issues that surround it.