Diversity Communication

My initial results were that I favor white people over black people. When I first saw this I was  a little surprised. In my life I treat black and white people both equally. I never thought that I would favor white people but I am surrounded by more white people in my every day life which would make sense as to why they would think that I favor white people over black people. When I think about it now most of the people I am surrounded by are people who are like me that are white and jewish from New York or New Jersey but that does not mean that I am someone who is racist. I have had friends in my life who are black and I think that they are great people. I believe that everyone should be treated equally in life and that just because they are people of color that they should be given the same opportunities as white people.

When reading the article, something that really stood out to me was when they talked about doing a focus group and a black boy said that black people have better values than white people do. I never thought about this until he said it, generally we see and hear about white people shooting up buildings and mass terrorist attacks but we still view black people as people who are more violent and dangerous than a white person.

Something else that I thought was very interesting was that once companies and stores had diversity and minority training there still was a lack of change within the managerial system. When thinking about an organization like Denny’s they needed minority professionals to help them in order to not get into a situation like they did in 1994 again. But when it comes to a larger amount of companies i feel as if sometimes people are still extremely racist with how they treat their staff and with what they think is right from a racial standpoint.

When it comes to me personally I feel as if I am in an extremely unique situation. When it comes to the working environment that I will be entering a majority of the employees will be of color and male. When it comes to the minority aspect of the industry it actually lies within the women. Multicultural intelligence is something that I believe is extremely important when it comes to a working environment. Everyone should be treated equally and not stereotyped based on what color their skin is. In the sports industry some of the most successful professionals are black men. When it comes the PR in the NFL the top executives are mostly male and it is very rare to find a woman in the mix. Being treated fairly is extremely important because you want to be respected fairly when it comes to the work place and how others look at you in the work place as well.

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