An Invisible Passion

Salutations all! I am going to take a slightly 180 transition here and change my passion blog from the analysis of Chinese delicacies, those munchies that will make the mouth drool, those munchies that we cannot find at your general American Chinese buffet, to the fascinating progressions of cellular biology, my other passion. I am a biochemistry and molecular biology student and I think the cell is the coolest place on Earth. From the beginning when I first discovered the way a cell divides, the different factories working elegantly together inside these tiny, yet powerful life-giving formations, I was hooked. Everything about the cell is so simply amazing; how do they know the mechanisms needed to undergo cellular respiration? How do they know that meiosis is the process that would allow the creation of gametes? EVERYTHING IS SO INCREDIBLY AWESOME, COMPLEX ON A MOLECULAR LEVEL, BUT AWESOMELY FUNCTIONAL FOR ITS PURPOSE AHH.

However, not everything in the cell is so dandy. It’s quite often we encounter cellular issues that will propagate and cause diseases such as different kinds of cancer and cystic fibrosis. I want to understand these cellular diseases on a molecular level and push myself to read science literature and report it in a comprehensive way. Shedding my nerdy shell (if that is possible), I am quite a people person and enjoy chatting it up (HMU ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER YA’LL….just kidding…maybe).  What I am passionate about is branching the people and the science of medicine, and that is what I aspire to do both in my career and my blog. Here, I will present current and recent research that is being conducted to combat these cellular diseases that are affecting millions. I hope to communicate to the public this science in a way for all to understand and for all to be awakened by how fascinating life is when we dissect it to the tiny level we can barely see because it is this invisible level that is the reason why we can laugh, breathe, communicate, and live. We are essentially bags of water filled with complicated chemical reactions. From sneezing to our personalities, it all comes down to this cellular level. I want to be an investigator of this cellular life and become a tour guide of this intriguing world.

So join me in understanding what we are made out of and what we are doing to improve the quality of our lives.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins successfully grew a replacement ear on a cancer patient’s arm. OH MY GOSH.

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4 Responses to An Invisible Passion

  1. May says:

    Wow…I’m always kind of jealous of people like you, who are so incredibly passionate about certain things that can benefit them not only personally, but also in their future lives and education. Like Allison, I’m quite an embaressment when it comes to any form of science, however, I’m going to continue following this blog anyway! Mostly because I can practically feel the passion burn through your writing, but also because you kind of hooked me with that picture of an ear growing in a patients arm.

  2. Mike Stavrakos says:

    Wow that’s insane. I’m honestly dumbfounded that science has progressed to that.

  3. Anurag Sen says:

    This sounds fascinating because I was a prospective Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major too. It really is interesting how sodium is sodium, chloride is chloride, sodium chloride is sodium chloride, but sodium, potassium and a bunch of other elements can build a cell. These inanimate objects suddenly make a living thing is what fascinates me. Just out of curiosity, why do you have a picture an ear on an arm when your blog is about cell/molecular biology.

  4. Allison Loose says:

    Now I’m not a science person…I can’t say that I understand anything about the cell beyond a fundamental level.
    But this is freaking amazing.
    So I probably won’t understand one bit of whatever you post about, but I’m going to read it regardless. Great opener!

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