Mechanical Data

The links below will direct you to the mechanical data (Biax data) for each experiment. The .txt file contains the acquisition parameters for the Biax, which contains the following: shear stress, normal stress, shear displacement, normal load displacement.

Data for experiment p2394:

Data for experiment p4677:

Data for experiment p4581:

Data for experiment p4679:

Data for experiment p5198:


Links to Acoustic Data & MATLAB script

The links below will direct you to where you can download the .ac files and .mat files. Note the .mat files contain the acoustic acquisition parameters (e.g sampling frequency, number of channels,acTime vector etc).

MATLAB script to plot the acoustic data:

Acoustic Data for experiment p4581:

Acoustic Data for experiment p2394: (see Note below on exp. p2394)

Acoustic Data for experiment p4677:

Acoustic Data for experiment p4679:

Acoustic Data for experiment p5198:


Acoustic Emission Catalog for Experiment p4581

The link below will direct you to a folder called Event_Picks_p4581. Inside this folder you will find several .mat files, which contain 900 manual AE picks. Each AE is cataloged based on its start/arrival and end time. You can load these picks into MATLAB, and with the directions below plot the picks along with the continuous time series data from which the picks came from.

Note, these are the same picks that are presented in the following paper:

Link to paper:

Link to picks:

Steps to download & plot Acoustic Data

For experiments p45**-present:

  1. You will need the following items in order to load and plot the data: Continuous data (.ac files), p****.mat, acoustic time vector, ts_adjusted, and MATLAB scripts.
  2. Download the .ac files,mat file, acoustic time vector and MATLAB scripts from the link(s) above.
  3. Make sure to add the .ac and .mat files to your PATH in MATLAB.
  4. Run plotacousticdata.m to plot the acoustic data (Amplitude vs. Time) for a single channel.

Notes related to Acoustic Data

For experiments p45**-present:

  1. The .ac files contain the raw continuous time series data. Acoustic data are recorded continuously at 4 MHz throughout the experiment from a 14-bit data acquisition system.
  2. The raw amplitudes inside the .ac files are in units of bits.
  3. Each .ac file is ~ 20 MB. If you want to download all of the acoustic data you will need several gigabytes of space. A typical experiment contains up to several thousand files, and thus, can range anywhere between 50-200 GB of data.
  4. The p****.mat file contains the data acquisition parameters, such as sampling rate, number of channels, ..etc.

For experiment p2394:

  1. The .tdms files contain the raw continuous time series data. Acoustic data are recorded continuously at 40 kHz from an Accelerometer.
  2. The ReadTDMS.txt file contains a few lines of code that will enable you to load/plot the acoustic data in Python.
  3. For this experiment, large acoustic impulses were sent throughout the experiment from a large pizeoceramic disk (see Johson et al. 2008). The impulses can be found under the Acc variable in the mechanical data file. Similarly, these pulses are recorded on the accelerometer and can be seen when plotting the acoustic data.
  4. Notes related to the experimental setup can be found in the following papers: Johnson et al., 2013; Johnson et al., 2008

Link to ReadTDMS.txt: