Being new to the computer developing world and learning html/CSS has proven to be challenging. I feel like I am learning a new language. Having to develop two websites has been fun but frustrating at times. Having to create content to go on the page or to even create the web page has proven itself to be difficult. Both websites’ development methods seem to be quite different. Creating my own website, I feel like I am in more control over what, when, where and how something is placed. I have never attempted to make my own website until now and I feel a huge accomplishment from it. Learning HTML has proven that it’s going to be a lengthy process and it’s something that I am going to have to dedicate time to. Learning to navigate the language has been difficult. Making sure I have my head, title, body, figures, and paragraphs in the correct spot has proven to be challenging as well. I sometimes lose track on where I am when I am coding and must find my place. It’s awesome to see something transpire from nothing and all while using coding such as <p></p> to create readable paragraphs to using <ul> to create lists.
Creating my second website was much easier but not nearly as customizable when writing in Oxygen Editor. I was able to select templates and work with the website’s many options to create a similar website that I personally developed myself. Although, the Penn state website has an option to input your own coding, I found it confusing to use. I feel like the Penn state website hosting services is a neat tool for those who do not want to learn how to code or find it difficult to learn how to code. Using GitHub and learning to use the command line to upload updates from oxygen editor has been challenging but rewarding. The big difference I have seen between the two websites is that I have full control over my GitHub website, to where the Penn state website I have less control. I can pick and choose my font, colors, backgrounds, boarders, and much more when using GitHub. Penn state website is more so for those who don’t want to put the energy into making a website from scratch. I do find both websites to be very useful and I have learned a lot from using both. I have really enjoyed venturing into this new world of computer knowledge. I am hoping with time I can become proficient in the html/css language.
Here is a Link to my other website