Home Page


This webpage contains resources for students at Penn State pursuing chemical engineering. Some items linked include the undergraduate advising handbook, the chemical engineering staff directory, and helpful websites for completing assignments. Chemical engineering majors have a number of opportunities at Penn State, and this website seeks to make them more available and accessible to students.

How to Use

Visit any of the links above to explore websites of interest for chemical engineering majors. Some of the featured links may help users with planning their degree, like with the undergraduate advising handbook. Other sites are repositories of information required for homework assignments or projects.

This guide is meant to help new undergraduate students navigate their major at Penn State, so much of this information may seem obvious to older students. However, it may be helpful for 1st and 2nd year students to have the resources here all linked in one place.


This guide is separated into three parts: Degree Planning, Useful Websites, and Department Information. The menus at the top of the screen have links to pages describing each of these sections.


  • Degree Planning has information about course scheduling, elective choices, and class requirements
  • Useful Websites has two online data repositories that can be used to look up physical properties, if needed
  • Department Information has the department website and staff directory linked to help new students learn about the major and who is in it


Here are some tips for using this website.

  • The Degree Planning and Useful Websites pages are meant for current Penn State students
  • The Department Information page has items useful for both current and prospective students
  • If you need to look anything up on this site, there is a search option to the right of the main menu