Class Practice Two – Smart Windrose





This is the second in-class practice doing a control structure program that generates a smart wind rose in Rhinoceros.

Here is the Python Code:

#this links python to rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math as m
import random 

#use \ to break the line/command
#use comma between values, before the command ends, don't close it with parenthesis

#def means to define
#keyword, the name of the function, parameters: the definition

rs.DeleteObjects (rs.AllObjects())

def windrose (intCardinalPoints,dblCardinalLength, translation):

    dblL = 2.0
    angCardinal = m.radians ((360 / intCardinalPoints) / 2)
    #angCardinal is an angle in radians
    ptX = dblL * m.cos(angCardinal)
    ptY = dblL * m.sin(angCardinal)

    #print (ptx)

    #drafts a cardinal point
    #there are 2 kuohao
    objCardinalPoint = rs.AddPolyline\

    #print (objCardinalPoint)  

    #selests all

    #copies around the center
    rs.SelectObject (objCardinalPoint)
    for i in range (1,intCardinalPoints+1):
        angle = 360 / intCardinalPoints
        new = rs.RotateObject (objCardinalPoint, [0,0,0], angle*i, None, True)
        #python random website: 9.6. random-generate pseudo number (between 0 and 1)
        f = random.random ();
        rs.ScaleObject (new, [0,0,0],[f,f,f])

    #rs.Command ("arrayPolar 0,0 " + str(intCardinalPoints) + " 360 Enter")
    #rs.MoveObject (rs.LastCreatedObjects (), translation)
    #rs.MoveObject (objCardinalPoint, translation)


intCardinalPoints = rs.GetInteger ("Please insert number of cardinal points", 27)
dblCardinalLength = rs.GetInteger ("Enter Length of cardinal point", 27)

#now its not working, we need to invoke the function:

#windrose (intCardinalPoints,dblCardinalLength)
#windrose (20,10)   even if you enter 100, 200 etc, it will still be 20,10

#with all commands below, it will run one by one and stop at the last one:
while (dblCardinalLength < 2): 
    print ("That number is too short")
    dblCardinalLength = rs.GetInteger ("Enter Length of cardinal point", 10.0)
    windrose (intCardinalPoints ,dblCardinalLength, [0,0,0])

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